<轉載自2018年3月2日 明報 社評>
無可否認,自願醫保計劃在保單標準化、提升醫保產品質素等方面,仍有一定作用。政府為求唱好自願醫保,一邊表示承保範圍會擴展至未知的已有疾病、先天疾病、非手術癌症及精神疾病治療等, 一邊又強調無論「標準計劃」還是「靈活計劃」,均保證可以續保至100歲,不設「終身保障限額」,然而投保年齡其實設有限制,逾80歲者不可以投保。這跟10年前政府提倡「來者不拒」,存在明顯落差。政府沒有為續保時的保費增幅設定上限,更有可能令投保人大失預算。最需要醫療保險的人,從來不是年輕力壯的一群,而是體弱多病健康欠佳的人。自願醫保不斷收縮「走樣」,不禁令人質疑,計劃究竟是以市民還是保險公司的利益先行。
政策遷就業界利益 強積金前車惹憂慮
Misshapen health insurance scheme
THE GOVERNMENT has announced the details of the voluntary health
insurance scheme (VHIS), but citizens are very doubtful that it will give them
adequate health care protection. The Budget measure of providing a tax
deduction is unlikely to make it markedly more appealing. It took as long as
ten years to make preparations for the VHIS. It is supposedly designed to
alleviate the imbalance between the public and private health care sectors so
as thereby to reduce the pressure on public hospitals. However, because the
government has repeatedly made concessions to the insurance industry, the VHIS
has gone very much out of shape and become what is like "chicken
Secretary for Food and Health Sophia Chan stressed that the scope of
protection under the VHIS has been broadened after repeated negotiations with
the insurance industry. However, the Secretary commented that citizens
"may go to public hospitals" if they have a major illness. It has
clearly exposed the shortcomings of the scheme. The industry's support is
essential for such a scheme's success. Because of that, the government has all
along been hamstrung by the industry during the consultation, its formulation
as well as its promotion. It has kept giving way. For example, to help the
aged, infirm and chronically ill to get health insurance, the government
proposed that a high-risk pool be set up into which it would inject several
billion dollars so that their premium payments could be capped and insurers
could be required to offer them policies. However, the industry considered the
government's injection inadequate and refused to cooperate with it for fear of
sustaining losses. The high-risk pool proposal has eventually been shelved and
will not be carried out in the foreseeable future.
The government hopes the VHIS will help reduce the pressure on public
hospitals. To encourage citizens to take out VHIS, the government has announced
in the Budget a tax reduction. The annual tax ceiling of premium for tax
reduction is $8,000 per policyholder. As a policyholder will on average pay the
Inland Revenue only a few hundred dollars less, the measure is not much of an
incentive. If the VHIS does not produce remarkable results, the imbalance
between the public and private health care sectors will remain as it is, and
the pressure on public hospitals will not ease. If it is quite well received,
private hospitals will do much more business. That may lead to major efforts to
lull away doctors and nurses from public hospitals. If public hospitals lose
large numbers of doctors, they will become unbearably overloaded. That is to
the government the most marked singularity of the VHIS. The key way of reducing
the pressure on Hong Kong public hospitals is after all to increase in a big
way the number of doctors, that of nurses and that of public hospital beds. The
VHIS will at most have a supplementary effect.
It is actually a good way of improving daily-life services offered to
citizens. The problem is that the government is so prone to make concessions to
industries that its policies are likely to become misshapen. Instead of feeling
they will get reasonable returns, citizens see big companies seize
opportunities to make piles of money. The Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) Scheme
is a case in point. Seeing the overturned MPF cart ahead, citizens cannot but
worry the VHIS may go the same way. The biggest problem of the VHIS is
unsatisfactory protection and not-at-all-low premium payments. The government
estimates a policyholder will on average have to pay his insurer $4,800 a year.
But insurers have promptly pointed out the actual amount is likely to top that.
Even if the government offers a much bigger tax reduction, it can hardly hike
citizens' propensity to get VHIS coverage.
自願醫保大變樣 高官一語露真相