2018年3月15日 星期四

政治口號難代深耕 打好選戰須「揼石仔」

<轉載自2018315 明報 社評>


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egwork at community level remains crucial in elections

THE PRO-DEMOCRACY CAMP has suffered a setback in the Legislative Council by-election. Their arrogance, lack in unity, and failure to recognise the importance of service for the community have proved to be their undoing. At a time of the dominance of social media, many new-generation politicians of the non-establishment camp think that so long as they keep the moral high ground and do a good job of fighting the propaganda war on the internet, the votes will be theirs to lose. Some of them even scoff at service for the community which traditional pan-democrats emphasise. They do not realise that reaching out to the citizens by going from door to door and talking to them face to face is in fact the most effective way to canvass for votes.

The rise of social media a decade ago has changed the political ecology by providing politicians with a new means to reach out to their supporters and voters at a low cost. However, it is obviously a big mistake to think that an election can be won by relying only on keyboard warriors or that it is not necessary to spend time and effort to provide service for the community to garner support.

"Nothing is trivial that concerns people's livelihood" is on everyone's lips. However, residents at the community level are the ones who know best whether anyone is serving the community with their heart and soul. In the past, politicians in the traditional pan-democratic camp not only attached importance to keeping the political high ground but also emphasised thoroughgoing and painstaking work at the community level. They attended to grievances of grassroots citizens and helped them tackle livelihood issues from trivial matters such as drainage blockage to serious ones such as the construction of footbridges.They kept their minds on those issues. However, in recent years, some up-and-coming politicians of the non-establishment camp have come to think that so long as they focus on political issues and hold aloft the flag of "justice", they can win the support of the citizens. They believe that there is no need for the mundane legwork at the community level. Some even say that they will focus only on policy issues and will not deal with ordinary citizens' personal cases one by one. They seem to imply that problems faced by people in their daily lives are so trivial that they should not waste their time on them. No wonder some people think that they look down on ordinary citizens.

When fighting for democracy to "safeguard Hong Kong", one must not engage only in armchair theorising or let political discourse take priority over practice. In the era of social media, politicians can easily be deceived by the effect of the "echo chamber", surrounded by people of similar views and failing to reach out to others.

In western democratic countries, making good use of social media does help canvass votes and boost campaigns, but the impact should not be overestimated. A lot of research abroad shows that the most effective way to get out the vote is to go from house to house, visit the voters and talk to them face to face because voters always want someone to listen to their grievances directly. Undecided voters often have to be persuaded face to face as well. It is very difficult for social media to replace face-to-face contact.

The proportional representation system is used in Hong Kong's Legislative Council elections. To individual political parties or candidates, the echo chamber effect of social media might indeed work and enable them to win a seat. However, if anyone wants to broaden his base instead of clinging to their existing one, they must do more at the community level and reach out more to ordinary citizens. They should not be self-satisfied or look down on their fellow politicians. Some new-generation politicians ignore community-level work and even disdain the thoroughgoing and painstaking work at the community level of fellow politicians. Such a wrong mentality must be changed.

政治口號難代深耕 打好選戰須「揼石仔」







