2018年3月5日 星期一

劉鶴訪美滅火 中美矛盾難解

<轉載自201835 明報 社評>


改革開放中美交集 時移世易美方失望

從公開報道看,劉鶴此次訪美,除與美國企業界高層會面外,還與美國財長梅努欽、白宮經濟顧問科恩和美國貿易談判代表萊特希澤一連兩天會談,雙方均稱會談是「坦誠、有益、具建設性的」,但具體成果卻欠奉。身為中共中央政治局委員的劉鶴,今次不惜請假缺席中共中央三中全會,突顯訪美議題緊迫;而同為政治局委員的國務委員楊潔篪,2月上旬剛剛到訪過美國,與美國總統特朗普、國務卿蒂勒森會面。中國一個月內派兩名政治局委員到訪華盛頓 ,也是前所未有的。因此,劉鶴此行,恐怕遠不止阻止中美貿易戰這麼簡單,有報道指劉鶴此行是代表中方向美國作「戰略交底」,確認中國的改革開放方針不會改變。





美方施壓胃口更大 戰略互疑漸行漸遠




Firefighting tour fails to resolve Sino-US conflicts

LIU HE, a member of the Politburo of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and director of the Central Leading Group for Financial and Economic Affairs, has concluded his tour to the United States. During Liu's visit, US President Donald Trump announced new tariffs on steel and aluminium products. While it is true that the tariffs will have a greater impact on countries like Mexico, Canada and Brazil than on China, the action has nevertheless been interpreted by observers as the opening salvo in a trade war between the Trump administration and China. The action reflects a change of US official and public sentiments towards China, making one pessimistic about whether Liu's visit can reverse such sentiments.

According to public reports, Liu's visit to the States has failed to achieve anything concrete. A member of the CPC Politburo, Liu went to extraordinary lengths to make the visit, even absenting from the third plenary session of the CPC Central Committee. Obviously, he had been tasked with handling some urgent issues. In fact, State Councillor Yang Jiechi, another Politburo member, visited the States in early February and met with US President Trump and Secretary of State Tillerson. By dispatching two Politburo members within a month to Washington, the Chinese authorities have made an unprecedented move.

In recent years, successive governments and the public of United States have been caught up in a mood of disillusion towards China. So pervasive was such an atmosphere that late into Obama's presidency, there was a great debate within American academic and diplomatic circles about whether the US's policy to China had failed. The feeling that the US has been deceived by China's stratagem has been compounded by the fear of the threats posed by the country. Moreover, since Xi Jinping's ascent to power, China, on a development path different from that of the west, has demonstrated a kind of self-confidence and swagger that has further intensified the strategic distrust between the two countries.

It is against this backdrop that the US has gradually assumed a more hard-line attitude towards China. Not long ago, the Trump administration described China and Russia as its strategic competitors and rivals in the president's National Security Strategy. Later, Congress passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which sanctions US warships to conduct port calls in Taiwan, and the Taiwan Travel Act, which promotes mutual visits between high-level officials of the two sides. Secretary of State Tillerson even accused China directly of being a "revisionist power" and a "new imperial power" seeking to challenge the international order.

The "reform and opening-up" policy pursued by China has become the US's rationale for pressing China towards greater liberalisation. But Xi's emphasis of staying in the "right direction" of "reform and opening-up" has shown that China is moving further and further away from the line of economic neoliberalism. This is the main reason for the gradual loss of the US's strategic patience with China.

According to US media reports, Liu offered in his meetings and talks with US officials a series of measures to expand foreign companies' access into China's market by, for example, allowing foreign capital to enter the finance and insurance sector. But the US has shown a much bigger "appetite" and demanded more, including the abolition of subsidies to Chinese state-owned enterprises. Exactly on the day Liu arrived in US, the US published the 2018 Trade Policy Agenda and 2017 Annual Report, in which it criticised China for adopting a "model of centrally controlled economy", with the government playing a big and continuously expanding role in the model. It also said despite China's entry into WTO so many years ago, it has yet to adopt the model of market economy and has even distanced from it.

The demands and accusations made by the US have underscored Washington's misunderstanding of China's model of economic development, which is driven by both market and government forces. Such being the case, we are afraid that Liu's "firefighting tour", during which he reiterated China's unwavering pursuit of reform and opening-up, has been in vain, as was the "mollification tour" in 1999 by then premier Zhu Rongji to US.

劉鶴訪美滅火 中美矛盾難解


從公開報道看,劉鶴此次訪美,具體成果卻欠奉。身為中共中央政治局委員的劉鶴,今次不惜請假缺席中共中央三中全會,突顯訪美議題緊迫;而同為政治局委員的國務委員楊潔篪,2月上旬剛剛到訪過美國,與美國總統特朗普、國務卿蒂勒森會面。中國一個月內派兩名政治局委員到訪華盛頓 ,也是前所未有的。






