2018年3月16日 星期五

遏抑發展商囤貨 空置稅值得考慮

<轉載自2018316 明報 社評>


囤貨不賣刺激樓價 增加供應事倍功半




先易後難推動空置稅 政府可借鑑外地經驗




To curb hoarding by developers, vacancy tax merits consideration

CHAN MO-PO, the Financial Secretary, has said that the government is studying ways to free up empty homes, with a vacancy tax being one of the measures under consideration. Hong Kong property prices are high, and the main reason is supply shortage. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that some developers do not want to sell their newly built flats in one shot because they have found that property prices rise consistently. Their practice has helped fuel the soaring property prices. To increase supply in the market, the government must take action to force developers to sell their flats as soon as possible. In recent years,governments of many big cities abroad have introduced vacancy tax and other measures to crack down on overseas investors and speculators. Even though the overall vacancy rate is not high in Hong Kong, the government should still learn from overseas experience proactively and introduce measures to free up more vacant flats to satisfy the needs of Hong Kong people.

It remains to be seen if Chan is only calling the bluff of developers (with the aim of warning them to sell their flats as soon as possible) this time or he is really contemplating the related measures. Nevertheless, the government should make it clear that the practice of hoarding by developers is not tolerated.

In the past, government officials often expressed reservations about introducing vacancy tax. One of the reasons is the difficulty in implementation. A developer, if targeted by a vacancy tax, can be asked to pay it if a new flat it has completed remains vacant a year after the occupation permit is granted. In contrast, a tax targeting sold properties will involve much more complicated procedures. The government cannot tax a flat just because it is vacant. Instead, there must be a clear definition of what constitutes long-standing vacancy, and what reasons would be considered justified for leaving flats vacant. In recent years, vacancy tax has been introduced in many cities abroad to stop speculators and overseas investors from pushing up property prices. The government could learn from the experience of these countries and establish a vacancy tax system that suits Hong Kong.

In Singapore, Vancouver in Canada and Melbourne in Australia, etc., vacancy tax has been introduced to force speculators and overseas investors to release their unoccupied flats into the rental market or even simply sell them and beat a retreat. Vacancy tax is of course not a panacea. To deal with the root cause of the housing problem of Hong Kong, increasing land and housing supply substantially is still the key. However, the government must also stand firm and vigorously combat the various means employed by developers and speculators to push up property prices.

If the government is to introduce the vacancy tax, it can adopt the principle of tackling the easy issues before addressing the difficult ones by targeting new development projects first to curb developers' hoarding practice. As for vacancy tax targeting speculators and overseas investors, the government should study it in more detail and ensure that the measure is adequate and proper. The government cannot give up the idea simply because it is difficult to implement it. To dampen the desire of speculators to buy and hoard flats, some people advocate imposing an asset value added tax the rate of which depends on how long an owner owns a flat. Since the government is considering introducing vacancy tax, it might as well study at the same time the pros and cons of asset value added tax and its feasibility.

遏抑發展商囤貨 空置稅值得考慮






