普選後若不許政黨執政 可能重蹈現時管治覆轍
這些問題看似難解,但並非無法調和。政治學者方志恒就提出,外國經驗告訴我們,有效組成聯盟政府的關鍵,是需要在立法會掌握基本多數(Simple majority),多數聯盟應該能夠在主要政策上達成共識,並簽署聯盟協議,列明共同支持的政綱,但同時應加入「agree to disagree」條款,令參與政黨可說明在個別議題上持不同意立場,盡力做到「求同存異」。
黨派應放下歧見 談判桌共商前路
Effective government and multi-party system
Effective government and multi-party system
running Hong Kong have been tried since it reverted to Chinese sovereignty
sixteen years ago, but the Tung Chee-hwa and Donald Tsang administrations were
mired in difficulty, as is the Leung Chun-ying administration. The reason is
simple. Hong Kong is such a highly open society and civil society is so mature
here that the problem of the government's lack of a mandate will remain unless
universal suffrage is introduced.
The central government has promised that Hong Kong
people will begin to have universal suffrage in 2017, and heated debates about
constitutional reform plans have gone on. However, there is no denying that it
is impossible to solve all problems by having the Chief Executive (CE) elected
by universal suffrage. If the CE must belong to no political party, a
multi-party system is not permissible in Hong Kong. Problems including the
following will then arise even if universal suffrage is introduced:
(1) that it will remain the case that the
government has powers but lacks votes;
(2) that sufficient capable politicians cannot be trained
up; and
(3) that no effective ruling team can be formed.
Even if Hong Kong people have universal suffrage,
government will not improve so long as its constitutional system remains unchanged.
Not only may blunders be made that are similar to those the incumbent
administration has made, but things may become even worse than they are too.
Then, those who are against democracy will use that as a pretext for asserting
that Hong Kong is not fit to have democracy, and the SAR will again be plunged
into a bog of political rows.
It is clear from what has happened in places where
people enjoy universal suffrage that introducing universal suffrage
necessitates instituting a multi-party system. Only if that is done in a place
can it be governed effectively. Hong Kong is no exception. It is only the first
step in Hong Kong's constitutional reform to introduce universal suffrage. The
next step is to allow people belonging to political parties to stand for CE.
Only then will the executive have steady support in the legislature. Political
skills can only be gained in political struggles, and political parties are the
best training centres. Then, the person elected CE will not be on his own in
the government. He will bring with him a team he has put together in his own
party. This is the road to democracy Hong Kong should follow.
Political parties are now very much divided in Hong
Kong. In the foreseeable future, no pro-establishment or pro-democracy party
will emerge that alone can undertake the task of running the SAR. The party
that wins a CE election must, whether it is pro-establishment or pro-democracy,
form a coalition with another. Only then will the administration have a steady
majority in the Legislative Council.
Dr Brian Fong, a political scientist, suggests that
what has happened elsewhere tells us a simple majority in the legislature is
the key to an effective coalition.
It seems too early to talk about such matters, but
a universal-suffrage election is in fact around the corner. How will the world
work after that election? The parties must set their political differences
aside and come to the conference table to have serious discussions of that
question. The central government, the SAR government, the pro-establishment
camp and the pro-democracy camp must come to realise that they must embrace
universal suffrage if they do not want government to continue to worsen in the
SAR, that a multi-party system is indispensable for the successful government
of the SAR after the introduction of universal suffrage and that preparations
must begin today if we want Hong Kong's multi-party system to prove a success.
政治學者方志恒提出,外國經驗告訴我們,有效組成聯盟政府的關鍵,是需要在立法會掌握基本多數(Simple majority)。