2018年1月23日 星期二

政府沒善用儲備盈餘 不代表民粹派錢可取

<轉載自2018123 明報 社評>


政府盈餘料見新高 要求派錢聲音湧現





投資未來需求迫切 派錢助長官員怠政


財政政策的目標,應該是透過財富再分配,一邊維持經濟增長動力, 一邊照顧弱勢人士,將資源投放在有需要的人身上。民粹式全民劃一派錢,有違財政紀律,對於解決結構性的社會經濟問題,更是毫無幫助,實際是縱容官員怠政,不用花心機思考善用公帑,配合政策改善民生。對香港來說,「派錢」最實際作用,不過是令到庫房水浸不至於那麼誇張,令政治觀感稍好一點。


Cash handouts—not a good idea

WITH the public coffers exceedingly flush with money and an expected surplus reaching $160 billion for the current fiscal year, many politicians and members of society have been voicing their demand for a direct cash handout so as to return wealth to the people.

While many governments are despondent about the shortage of funds, what is troubling the Hong Kong government is its public coffers that are flush with money. The problem behind such a phenomenon is food for thought. Hong Kong is faced with a mountain of problems about people's livelihood, with a mood of discontent pervading society—the deterioration of wealth inequality, the incessant rise of property prices, the continuous lengthening of the waiting time for public housing, the serious lack of elderly services and the shortage of beds in public hospitals (which are often packed to the rafters) are all dissatisfying citizens. With its significant financial resources, the government, obviously, should be able to enhance people's livelihood. But citizens do not receive the services that they need, while the cost overruns of infrastructural projects easily cost taxpayers tens of billions of dollars. Some people would rather the government gave them a cash handout primarily because the government can hardly inspire confidence that it has the determination and ability to improve people's livelihood. Citizens think that instead of wasting public money on unrealistic pursuits, the government should return it to the people and let them spend it themselves, which they think is more realistic.

People's dissatisfaction is understandable; the government should respond to it. However, it should not give in to the request by issuing cash handouts. It should return to the basics and rise to the challenge with resolute action, i.e. by solving the livelihood problems and winning back the trust of citizens. Issuing cash handouts can win the government ephemeral applause. It is no different from drinking poison to assuage thirst. It is also a cosmetic exercise that will achieve little in resolving society's deep-rooted conflicts. It will instead create a false impression that the problem of wealth inequality is not as serious as we think, thus postponing the finding of a real solution, as a result of which society's maladies continue to worsen.

In recent years, an "Unconditional Basic Income" scheme has been introduced on a trial basis in developed countries such as Finland, under which the possibility of the government paying salaries to citizens every month is studied. In the international community, all eyes are on how well the scheme works. There is a fundamental difference between UBI and the populist issuance of cash handouts, so much so they are not comparable. UBI is about long-term development. The left, concerned about the problem of unemployment and low wages exacerbated by automated manufacturing, hopes that the government can enable citizens to find better jobs and encourage employment by giving them a basic income on a monthly basis. The right, meanwhile, hopes that a simple payout system can replace complicated, bureaucratic welfare arrangements. They might see the matter from different vantage points, but they are looking ahead to the future nevertheless.

Populist cash handouts, by comparison, are not a good way to maintain a government's acceptability in the long term, though it might win the government the favour of the people for a short period of time. If the people think that the government is inept, their dissatisfaction will come to a breaking point anyhow.

Given Hong Kong's sound economy, the government should focus on investing in the future when it seeks to use the surplus, while cash handouts should take second seat. Instead of issuing "sweeteners" such as the remission of public housing rents, the government should think more about better ways to enhance medical, elderly and educational services to plan for an ageing population.

政府沒善用儲備盈餘 不代表民粹派錢可取







