2018年1月31日 星期三

公營醫療死結難解 急擲5億紓困有限

<轉載自2018131 明報 社評>


短期提振護士士氣 紓困還看醫局措施





公私營醫療系統失衡 雙管齊下解決人手荒



Public healthcare knot

AMID the onset of a seasonal flu surge that has exhausted public hospital nurses, Chief Executive (CE) Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor has responded quickly to the Association of Hong Kong Nursing Staff's cry for the government's help. She did so a few days after it had made the call. She has announced an urgent funding of $500 million to the Hospital Authority (HA) in the hope that the strain that has recently been put on public hospital services can be eased. The government's posture in dealing with the issue urgently as a matter of urgency and its swift handling of the case may go some way towards boosting public hospital nurses' morale. But it remains questionable whether it is enough to alleviate the manpower pressure. The government must make a good job of long-term planning before it can untie the public healthcare system tight knot step by step.

Heading a financially sound SAR government, Mrs Lam has put forward a "new fiscal philosophy", emphasising the government ought to spend what it should spend. She proposed a $5-billion "new resources for education" plan soon after she had taken office. She has now urgently provided $500 million to ease the strain on public hospitals. Such measures show one may say this administration is relatively proactive in using public money to improve citizens' lives. Will the funding become front-line people's real timely help? That depends on whether the HA can use it properly.

The recurrent funding the HA receives tops $50 billion a year. One may well say that, compared to that, $500 million is utterly inadequate. What's more, the biggest problem now is that, "while there is hardware, software is lacking". Given the shortage of nurses in the whole territory, even if the HA has money, it is hard to hire part-time nurses, let alone to recruit new blood quickly. In the short run, the HA should take steps to ease front-line nurses' stress. For example, it should minimise their paper work, raise their overtime allowances and give priority to giving night-shift nurses greater support.

The turnover of public hospital nurses has recently become more and more serious year after year. While the huge work pressure at public hospitals is an internal cause, private hospitals' nurse poaching is an external cause. In the final analysis, the problem lies in the imbalance between the public healthcare system and the private. The public healthcare system employs 60% of the SAR's doctors and nurses but takes care of 90% of its in-patients. The system is overburdened, and everyone is kept constantly on the run. In contrast, the private system employs 40% of the SAR's doctors and nurses but takes care of just 10% of its citizens. Furthermore, private hospitals can lure nurses by offering them much better remuneration than they receive at public hospitals. On the contrary, a new public hospital nurse has to face a two-year increment freeze.

A nurse of three years' standing is paid nearly $10,000 more a month at a private hospital than at a public one. Private hospitals are better in terms of remuneration, working conditions and training. That has long affected public hospital nurses' morale, making it hard for public hospitals to retain talents. Mrs Lam has called for the abolition of the "two-year pay freeze". One may say she has tried to take away the firewood from under the cauldron. However, scrapping the increment freeze will only benefit new nurses, who are in the minority. That may not seem fair to nurses recruited several years ago. The authorities must handle the matter with great caution.

The urgent allocation of $500 million to ease nurses' stress is effective more in restoring morale in the short term than in immediately and really easing public hospital's manpower shortage. The government must make a good job of long-term planning and put in more resources. It should take a two-pronged approach. It should, on the one hand, train up more healthcare workers and, on the other, raise public hospital nurses' remuneration and improve their working conditions.

公營醫療死結難解 急擲5億紓困有限







