2013年4月9日 星期二

樓市成交大減釋出空間 政府把握機會理順供求

<轉載自201349日 明報 社評>

樓價輕微下調 是否轉角市待觀察





樓市基本因素未變 政府要部署增加供應





A Good Opportunity to Rein in the Property Market

YESTERDAY was the first day prospective home buyers were invited to choose their flats at Greenview Villa, the first "My Home Purchase Plan" project operated by the Housing Society. Altogether 160 applicants were invited, and 97 flats were sold. This is the normal rate of successful sales, and shows that although there has been a slight correction in the property market, many citizens would still like to buy their own homes. The Greenview Villa flats are sold at a 30 percent discount to the market value, which probably is the chief reason why the applicants are not deterred by the present market conditions.

In October last year, the government introduced the Buyer's Stamp Duty and the Special Stamp Duty. In February this year, it took action again, doubling the Stamp Duty and increasing the Buyer's Stamp Duty and Special Stamp duty, so that non-local property speculators who buy and sell a property within six months will have to pay a tax at a rate as high as 43.5 percent. At the same time, the Monetary Authority told banks to reduce the mortgage ratio so as to increase the transaction costs for speculators. And with a general increase in mortgage interest rates seemingly imminent, there has recently been a huge decline in the transaction volume of first and second-hand properties.

But while the property market is relatively quiet, there has been only a slight correction in property prices. In fact, since the economic tsunami in 2008, when property prices slumped, properties in Hong Kong have appreciated by about 120 percent. In other words, there has been a 2 percent increase every month in the past few years. In February this year, a report published by the International Monetary Fund pointed out that, if interest rates in Hong Kong returned to the 2003-07 average, our property prices were 30 percent higher than was consistent with our economic fundamentals. It should be noted that the IMF study was based on the economic data for the second quarter of 2012, and property prices in Hong Kong have again risen considerably in the past six months.

This unreasonable spike in property prices can be ascribed to three factors. (1) A serious shortage of supply: During Donald Tsang Yam-kuen's seven years of government, nothing much was done with respect to land development, resulting in a serious shortage of supply in housing. (2) A low interest rate environment: The United States has launched several rounds of quantitative easing, and despite its red-hot housing market Hong Kong has to follow suit and adopt ultra-low interest rates because of its pegged exchange rate system. Consequently, interest rates cannot be used as a tool to dampen the housing market. (3) An enormous amount of international floating capital: The influx of floating capital, especially from mainland China, has driven Hong Kong's housing prices to outrageous levels.

These are the factors behind the spike in Hong Kong's property prices, and they have remained basically unchanged. Since his assumption of office, Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying has tried hard to increase housing supply, but has been hamstrung by the shortage of land. And even if land is available, there is planning and construction work to be done. It will take at least three to four years before new housing can be developed. This is why housing prices have continued to rise despite the several rounds of market-cooling measures introduced by the government. Water afar off quenches not fire, as people say.

The housing market is at present relatively quiet. The government should grasp this opportunity and make what arrangements it can for an increase in housing supply. Land should be reclaimed for housing, with good planning geared to actual needs. Only then will Hong Kong's property market develop steadily and healthily.

明報社評 2013.04.09﹕樓市成交大減釋出空間 政府把握機會理順供求







