2012年8月29日 星期三

彈丸之地百川匯聚 Happy problem困擾香江

<轉載自2012829日 明報 社評>
市民生活受擠壓 對「旅客大軍」有怨懟




香港是一個旅遊城市,理應期望旅客愈多愈好,這樣才生意興旺,經濟活躍,外國不少城市對旅客求而不可得之際,香港卻要閉門拒客,在全球旅遊板塊,可謂咄咄怪事。不少人說香港是福地,就旅遊這一塊,說明香港得天獨厚的優越地位。目前擺在政府、業者和市民面前的問題,並非惆悵不夠生意,而是盤算如何以有限的設施,接待更多旅客,賺取更多收入和惠及香港經濟而已。所以,香港面對的是不一般的問題,而是happy problem,一個使人愉悅的困擾。

強化承受力 盤算為市民 政府要善用旅遊推動經濟







HK Plagued by a "Happy Problem"
THE mainland authorities have announced that non-permanent residents in six cities will be allowed to visit Hong Kong without having to return to their home provinces to make their applications. Shenzhen's 4.1 million non-permanent residents can even apply for multiple visits. So all of a sudden Hong Kong's potential visitors have increased by 14 million.
The relaxation of travel permit rules for the six cities (Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Chongqing, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen) is in fact a measure introduced for the benefit of the mainland people, allowing these cities' non-permanent residents to apply for exit permits without returning to their home provinces. Hong Kong is just one of the areas affected by this policy. The relaxation is not intended especially for Hong Kong.

In 2003, SARS dealt a reeling blow to Hong Kong economically, which left many people wondering whether our economy would ever recover. It was then that the mainland authorities introduced the Individual Visit Scheme, which allowed residents in certain cities to visit Hong Kong on an individual basis, and effectively restored Hong Kong's economic health.

However, Hong Kong's various facilities are designed for the use of about seven million residents only. Now, with tens of millions of mainland visitors sharing these facilities to a greater or lesser extent, Hong Kong residents are feeling that in some respects their entitlements are being encroached upon, and many are not slow to express their dissatisfaction with the situation. This explains why the mainland's latest relaxation of travel controls has led to concerns about its possible effects on Hong Kong, and activist groups are calling on the government not to accept more mainland visitors.

Hong Kong is a tourist city, and as such should try to attract as many visitors as possible. Only then can we do more business and further develop our economy. It can therefore be said that Hong Kong is faced with a problem we should be happy about.

While trying to entertain as many visitors as possible, the government must see to it that they enjoy good service, and Hong Kong citizens' quality of life should not suffer. There are five points the government should pay particular attention to.

First, the government should recognise and accept the fact that Hong Kong's capacity to receive visitors is limited. Before improvements have been made to various facilities, the mainland authorities should not be urged to expand the Individual Visit Scheme to allow more city dwellers on the mainland to come to Hong Kong.

Second, with an average of some 100,000 mainlanders visiting Hong Kong every day, the border crossings are very crowded. The cross-border facilities therefore have to be upgraded.

Third, there must be plans to distribute visitors to different locations. As shopping is a major attraction for visitors from the mainland, the government can through proper urban planning have developers establish more big shopping malls in each and every district in Hong Kong, so that mainland visitors will not flood the downtown areas and make them even more crowded.

Fourth, as tourist consumption and shopping is certain to lead to a general rise in prices and affect the livelihood of the ordinary citizen, the Hong Kong Housing Authority should let the traditional stores in its malls continue to operate at reasonable rents, so that the impact on the grass-roots community may be softened.

Fifth, in recent years, mainlanders have been snapping up properties in Hong Kong, and mainland women have been flocking to Hong Kong to give births. This shows that the government should introduce policies and measures to ensure that, where resources are limited, priority should be given to Hong Kong residents. For instance, Hong Kong permanent residents should have the priority to purchase milk powder. This can help dispel the public's dislike for mainland visitors and resolve the conflicts between them.

2012.08.29﹕彈丸之地百川匯聚 Happy Problem困擾香江





happy problem,一個使人愉悅的困擾。







