2012年8月17日 星期五

釣島爭議 中日同樣承受民族主義壓力

<轉載自2012817 明報 社評>  

日若審訊保釣人士 事態勢必火上加油
大陸對日養癰為患 民衆感失望和憤怒

Nationalist Feelings Running High in China and Japan
THE successful landing on the Diaoyu Islands by the Kai Fung 2 crew has aroused strong nationalist feelings in the public in both Japan and mainland China.
In Japan, after the Kai Fung 2 ploughed its way through the many Japan Coast Guard vessels trying to intercept it, people are generally critical of the government for its ineffective attempt to "defend the islands", and Shintaro Ishihara, Governor of Tokyo and right-wing extremist, is not slow to call on Yoshihiko Noda to "land on the islands without further delay". At the same time, there are those who suggest that the Japan Self Defence Forces should be permanently stationed on the islands, and there are those who declare that the 14 Kai Fung 2 crew members who have been "arrested" should be "executed by a firing squad". While such extremist views may not find wide acceptance with the Japanese public, the pressure Yoshihiko Noda's government is under can be quite easily imagined.

In China, the Kai Fung 2 incident, in addition to serving as a wake-up call to the Chinese government, has strengthened among the Chinese people a sense of unity against a common enemy: Japan. Over the past few days, netizens in mainland China have literally flooded the websites with anti-Japanese comments. And yesterday, according to the Xinhua News Agency, there were public gatherings in Beijing, Shanghai, Shandong, and Guangzhou protesting against Japan's "arrest" and detention of the 14 Chinese activists. Netizens are also calling for anti-Japanese demonstrations across the country on Sunday. If the Japanese government is mindful only of the nationalist feelings in Japan and ignores the same feelings in China, it has to be prepared to see the situation getting out of hand.

And netizens in mainland China are not only angry with Japan. The Chinese government has also come under much criticism. Many believe that Japan's aggressive attitude towards the Diaoyus is the result of the Chinese government's weakness. In addition, netizens are criticising the People's Liberation Army, asking where the PLA is when Chinese territory is in foreign hands. It should be noted that the Kai Fung 2 trip was publicly announced well in advance, but when the vessel was surrounded and rammed into by about 10 Japan Coast Guard vessels, not a single official ship from China was in sight, not to mention PLA vessels.

It is ironical that, after the "arrest" and detention of the Kai Fung 2 crew, the Kyodo News Service reported that "the most advanced Chinese maritime surveillance vessel went cruising in the waters off the Diaoyus at about midnight on August 15". This is like "calling out the militia when the bandits are gone": a move which the Chinese find despicable, and is not likely to win the respect of the Japanese.

Other than the Diaoyu issue, Sino-Japanese relations are marred by the Japanese people's failure to reflect on the sins they committed in their invasion of China. This year saw, for the first time in three years, Japanese cabinet members paying their respects to war criminals at the Yasukuni Shrine, in defiance of public feelings in China as well as in other Asian countries. Of course Japanese politicians have their own political calculations, but they are rubbing salt into our wounds. The Chinese government must stand firm against these politicians, and condemn their flagrant violation of justice in the severest of terms.

Judging by the current political situation, Sino-Japanese friendship is in no way one of Japan's diplomatic objectives. With regard to the Diaoyu issue, we would like to
reiterate that the Chinese government should try its best to shatter Japan's very real control over the Diaoyus. This is the only course of action befitting a government responsible to the Chinese people.

2012.08.17﹕釣島爭議 中日同樣承受民族主義壓力







