2018年10月3日 星期三

融合「就高不就低」 港珠澳大橋劃準繩

<轉載自2018103 明報 加東版 中國版>


香港口岸成瓶頸隱憂 高鐵混亂教訓應記取




大橋流量迎來挑戰 折射港深龍頭之爭




Mega bridge sets the standard for Bay Area integration

A three-day trial run was carried out a few days ago at the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) in preparation for the bridge's opening expected at the end of this year. The HZMB, the longest bridge-cum-tunnel sea crossing in the world, has been fully put to the test by Super Typhoons Hato and Mangkhut over the past two years. The fact that it has stood the tests should dispel worries about the bridge's safety. Hong Kong, Macao and the mainland have separate ways of getting things done. The principle adopted in designing the HZMB, "adhering to the highest rather than the lowest standards", can be used as a good guide for future cooperation in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (the Greater Bay Area). In this respect, Hong Kong can play a more active role while learning from others' strengths. Because of the dropping volume of Hong Kong's cross-boundary land freight transport as well as the upcoming opening of other crossings linking the east and west of Pearl River Delta like the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge and the Humen Second Bridge, the HZMB is already facing significant challenges and competition even before it comes into operation. The key of securing traffic and passenger flow for the HZMB will lie in whether Hong Kong can play its part well and fight hard to attain the leading position in the integration of the Greater Bay Area.

Infrastructural construction takes the precedence in the process of the Greater Bay Area's integration. Both the HZMB and the High Speed Rail are examples of important infrastructures breaking the geographical barrier between Hong Kong, Macao and the mainland. Similar to the case of the High Speed Rail (Hong Kong Section), from the construction of the HZMB to its future operations, adjustments and adaptations were and will be necessary given the three regions' various differences in system and culture. That exactly embodies the processes inevitable in the future integration of the Greater Bay Area. Each of the three places has its own set of standard specifications for works and its own way of practice. Lin Ming, the chief engineer of the HZMB main bridge, has also mentioned that the procedures required by the Hong Kong side were more numerous and complicated. At first, the engineering team from the mainland was not accustomed to the working procedures and people's way of thinking in Hong Kong. From major issues like construction plans to minor matters including lighting arrangements on the artificial islands, there were disagreements between the two sides. However, the most important thing is that all parties have been willing to accommodate each other for the sake of achieving the best outcome.

The goal of integrating the Greater Bay Area is mutual benefit and higher cost-effectiveness. This can be achieved neither by following every standard on the mainland nor by believing in "Hong Kong supremacy", thinking that the mainland must follow Hong Kong in all manners. An important experience learned from the construction of the HZMB is the principle of "adhering to the highest rather than the lowest standards". The mainland and Hong Kong have been working on land reclamation, building artificial islands and constructing sections of the elevated bridge in their own ways. Nevertheless, when setting out the design of the bridge, the highest standard among the three places was adopted for every item of the project. For example, the mainland standard for the service life of concrete structures is 100 years while that required in Hong Kong is 120 years. The Hong Kong standard was ultimately adopted. In the case of lane width, the Hong Kong standard is 3.667 metres compared with 3.75 metres on the mainland, which was adopted as a result. In the future integration of the Greater Bay Area, we should continue to follow this direction of "adhering to the highest rather than the lowest standards" on the basis of upholding the "one country, two systems" principle and respecting the three regions' differences in the systems.

The HZMB was originally expected to have a traffic flow of around 90,000 vehicles per day and was designed to accommodate a daily maximum of 140,000 to 150,000 vehicles. However, in view of the successive launches of other infrastructural projects across the Pearl River estuary in recent years, the governments of the three places have greatly lowered the forecast for 2030 to 29,000 vehicles per day, only one-third of the prediction in the original design. It is inevitable that the HZMB will face competition. Still, one does not have to pessimistically presuppose that the bridge is doomed to fare badly in terms of traffic flow in the long run. Hong Kong society should avoid self-aggrandisement as much as it should avoid self-deprecation.

融合「就高不就低」 港珠澳大橋劃準繩





