2018年10月15日 星期一

開放市場一石三鳥 應對貿易戰新利器

<轉載自20181015 明報 社評>


寶馬特斯拉在華設廠 中國利用資本逐利性

李克強上周三(10日)在北京會見寶馬集團董事長科魯格(Harald Kruger)時稱,寶馬公司是中國放寬汽車業外資股份限制後的首個受益者。這表明,中國對外開放新舉措不僅是「說到了」,也「做到了」。下一步,中國對外開放的力度會更大,開放的水平會更高,中國將長期成為外商投資的熱土。





引技術促融合反擊美 貿易戰拼耐力定輸贏



開放市場的第二個作用就是加強融合,你中有我,我中有你,令外國政府對華制裁時投鼠忌器。如蘋果公司行政總裁庫克上周在上海被問及對中國經濟的判斷時,他用「非常強勁,非常非常強勁(very strong, very very strong)」來形容,並非全屬溢美之辭,畢竟蘋果大中華區業務連續4季實現兩位數增長。所以庫克矢言,蘋果將繼續加大在滬投資,擴大合作領域。而蘋果在華生產的產品,在美國加徵關稅中就獲得豁免。

最後,開放市場當然也是為反擊美國,倒逼受傷的美商向特朗普政府施壓,讓這種痛感傳導回美國經濟。如福特汽車的行政總裁哈基特(Jim Hackett)就公開抱怨,政府加徵鋼鋁關稅已令福特損失10億美元。上周美股的大幅波動,亦被市場認為貿易戰對美國的影響已經浮現。


China's new weapon in the trade war

AMID the ongoing trade war between China and the US, BMW, a German car manufacturer, held a groundbreaking ceremony for its factory in Shenyang, Liaoning — the company's third in China — last week. With an investment of €3.6 billion, the company will increase its stake in a joint venture with a Chinese company from 50% to 75%, thus becoming the first foreign carmaker with a controlling stake in a mainland joint venture. Meanwhile Tesla, a manufacturer of electric cars, has also spent one billion Renminbi on a piece of land in Shanghai in preparation for the construction of its first factory overseas.

When receiving Harald Krüger, the chairman of the board of management (CEO) for BMW in Beijing last Wednesday (10th October), Li Keqiang said that BMW would be the first to benefit from China's relaxation of the restraints on stakes held by foreign capital in automobile companies.

As China has slapped tariffs on cars imported from the United States, BMW said that it might switch to China for the manufacturing of Sport Utility Vehicles and other products, which are currently manufactured in the US. Krüger said plainly that China is BMW's biggest market, and "there is no parallel even adding up the markets of the United States and Germany." He even said that "China will become a world-class manufacturing base", and that "one might find that an all-electric variant of the X3 anywhere in the world would be made in China."

BMW's choice is a reflection of market realities. In July, China dramatically lowered the tariffs on imported cars, then in August it imposed a 25% tariff on cars imported from the US as a countermeasure against the US's sanctions. Between July and September, General Motors, a US carmaker, saw its sales in China fall by 14.9% year on year, while Ford, another American carmaker, has also experienced falling sales in China in recent months, so much so the company is planning layoffs worldwide. Meanwhile, Japanese carmaker Toyota's sales in China rose by 18% in September, while those of Benz, a Germany company, rose by 6.9%. The fact that some companies are experiencing a growth in sale figures at the expense of the others is a reflection of the loss inflicted on American carmakers by Donald Trump's tariffs as well as the gains made by other carmakers.

It is exactly this trend that has propelled Tesla, the biggest manufacturer of electric cars in the US, to reportedly spend one billion Renminbi to buy land in Shanghai to build its first factory overseas. According to an initial agreement entered into with the Shanghai government in July, the factory will involve an investment of US$5 billion and the production of 500,000 electric cars annually, exceeding its total car production in US factories currently. As China is the world's biggest market for electric cars, a company in Shanghai can help Tesla avoid tariffs as high as 40%.

At the onset of the trade war, it was thought that China would find it impossible to fend off the US's offensives due to the lack of trump cards. It is true that the trade war has affected China more severely up to now, but it is still too early to determine whether China will have to concede defeat. It is a grinding war of attrition and a test of resilience. The country that has the last smile will also have the best smile.

開放市場一石三鳥 應對貿易戰新利器


李克強上周三(10日)在北京會見寶馬集團董事長科魯格(Harald Kruger)時稱,寶馬公司是中國放寬汽車業外資股份限制後的首個受益者。





