2013年2月5日 星期二

陳德霖梁錦松逆耳忠言 樓市盛宴總有埋單之時

<轉載自201325 明報 社評版>
家庭負債比率59% 逼近60%歷史高位
IMF論本港經濟 樓價較合理水平高三成

The Writing Is on the Wall
A FEW DAYS after former Financial Secretary Antony Leung Kam-chung's warning about the property market, Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) Chief Executive Norman Chan Tak-lam pointed out yesterday at the Legislative Council Financial Affairs Panel meeting that, in December last year, Hong Kong's total household debt reached 59 percent of the city's gross domestic product, coming very close to the all-time high of 60 percent in 2002. He warned that, if a correction in the property market occurs, people will have greater difficulty in repaying their home mortgage loans, which in December amounted to nearly $900 billion, or 74 percent of household debt.
Recently, in its review of Hong Kong's economy, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said, "A sharp price correction would lead to falling collateral values and negative wealth effects, which could trigger an adverse feedback loop between economic activity, bank lending, and the property market. While the probability of a correction large enough to generate major macroeconomic and financial consequences is fairly low in the near term, the property sector is the main source of domestic economic risk."

In the past few years, a shortage in housing supply, together with a low-interest environment and the influx of hot money, has fanned speculative flames and driven property prices to exorbitant levels. Economic indicators and authoritative organisations are now all signalling danger ahead, which honest homebuyers must not overlook.

(1) According to the IMF report, the ratio of median house price to median household income in Hong Kong is 12.6:1, which is the highest in the world, as compared with Australia's 6.7:1, which is the second highest. The IMF believes that, if interest rates in Hong Kong return to the 2003-07 average, our housing prices are some 30 percent higher than is reasonably consistent with our economic fundamentals.

(2) Financial Secretary John Tsang Chun-wah said at the Legislative Council last December that the home affordability ratio in the third quarter of 2012 had risen to 50 percent. This means that home mortgage loans repayment amounted to half of the average homebuyer's income. If interest rates go up by 3 percent, the home affordability ratio will rise to 65 percent. Will homebuyers be able to repay their home mortgage loans? This question can easily move from the hypothetical into the realm of stark reality.

(3) Former Financial Secretary Antony Leung said at a seminar last week that, according to the Chief Executive's policy address, there will be in a few years an annual supply of 45,000 to 50,000 private and public housing flats. And the market believes that the US Federal Reserve may, at the earliest, increase interest rates next year. The Hong Kong property market will then find itself in a situation where an increase in housing supply goes hand in hand with an upward trend in interest rates - a situation similar to that of 1998, when the property market collapsed.

Honest homebuyers should not turn a blind eye to the obvious danger signs of the property market, or they are likely to suffer heavy financial losses.

As regards Hong Kong's banking system, the IMF says "the property sector is the main source of domestic economic risk". The HKMA must therefore not be caught off its guard.

And the Hong Kong SAR government must be prepared to stick to its long-term plans to increase the supply of land and housing even after the property bubble has burst, so that Hong Kong may, once and for all, break the vicious cycle of high property prices.

明報社評  2013.02.05陳德霖梁錦松逆耳忠言 樓市盛宴總有埋單之時



