2019年3月18日 星期一

薩爾瓦多圖趁亂 香港市民莫趁墟

<轉載自2019318 明報 社評>





薩爾瓦多打台灣牌 圖收漁翁之利




美國會打「香港牌」 香港人不應挾洋自重




Hong Kong must not do what El Salvador does

El SALVADOR severed diplomatic relations with Taiwan to establish relations with mainland China last August. However, the El Salvador president-elect, who was elected last February, has made comments expressing dissatisfaction with China, bringing uncertainty to the establishment of relations. However, no matter whether it is a diplomatic manoeuvre of little significance or a real reversal of policies, it will not have much bearing on the overall situation. The real players are China and the US, who are acting behind the scenes. At a time when China and the US are engaged in a struggle, Hong Kong citizens must not try to take advantage of the situation.

On a visit to the United States, Nayib Bukele, the incoming president of El Salvador, said that China did not respect the country's democratic system, while John Bolton, the national security adviser who received him, said that both the US and El Salvador were vigorously seeking new opportunities to increase foreign investment, enhance security and hit back at China's predatory practice. There are both a historical background and an actual context to the two men's "duet", as it were.

El Salvador was engulfed in a civil war in 1980. A country with a population of six million or so, it was divided between two sects, which fought for twelve years before calling a truce. Over the next 27 years, the two sects took turns to govern the country. The last two presidents were close to Venezuela, the US's archenemy. Bukele, who was newly elected, did not belong to the above two sects. During his campaign he said that as the people of the country were destitute and one third of them had fled to the US to become refugees, he had to end this situation. No doubt the US is happy to support him in this objective.

El Salvador is in Central America. Due to its geographical location, history and political system, it has an intricate relationship with the US, not to mention the fact that it uses the US dollar as the currency and 80% of its exports and imports go to and come from the US. So the country is naturally pro-US. But that does not mean that it has to harbour hatred towards China, which is oceans away, nor does it have to choose to be pro-US or pro-China. Furthermore, El Salvador's domestic problems, such as rampant corruption, unfettered organised crime and the weak economy, are enough headaches to its president. Whether to establish diplomatic relations with mainland China or Taiwan should be at the bottom of his agenda.

When China and the US are engaged in a struggle, the US will also play the "Hong Kong card", trying to sow confusion by taking advantage of some Hong Kong people's sentiment against the central government. The White House has invited Anson Chan, Dennis Kwok and Charles Mok to the US to give their opinions on the United States-Hong Kong Policy Act, while a delegation from the National Committee on United States-China Relations of the US Congress will visit Hong Kong and meet with people from all sectors. What they will say will be a subject of close attention. Whether the US's sudden high-profile handling of the Hong Kong question is a diversionary tactic merits concern.

Over a long period of time, China and the US will be in a competitive relationship. Sometimes they will fight, sometimes they will stop. They will call a truce in the trade war but start an argument in the South China Sea. But the fact that Hong Kong is part of China remains unchanged. While El Salvador can try to take advantage of the China-US rivalry, Hong Kong people cannot. Otherwise China's enemies will rejoice in what Hong Kong people do and our fellow Chinese people will be profoundly saddened by it. Hong Kong people will be a laughing stock in the eyes of foreign people, while the Chinese people will grind their teeth in anger.

薩爾瓦多圖趁亂 香港市民莫趁墟







