2017年10月20日 星期五

開會是責任非「恩賜」 市民看厭流會鬧劇

<轉載自20171020 明報 社評>

立法會新年度會期開始不足兩周便出現流會,泛民因為議事規則和高鐵「一地兩檢」方案,與建制派和政府再起烽煙,政治和風瞥然消失,如此開局絕非好兆頭。有泛民議員聲言要抗爭到明年3月立法會補選,令人擔心議會可能繼續癱瘓下去。議員開會是基本責任,可是現在竟然變成議員的「恩賜」,不管有何冠冕堂煌理由,都難以自圓其說。議員薪酬愈來愈高, 議事水平卻今不如昔,鬥氣取代議事,市民早感厭煩,各派責任難逃,還請一眾「尊貴議員」靜思加入議會所為何事,究竟是為民請命還是政治鬥爭為先。

泛民建制鬥氣代議事 有權用盡心態要不得




鬥打茅波禮崩樂壞 還請議員臨崖勒馬




Adjournment farce

LESS than two weeks after this legislative year had begun, a Legislative Council (Legco) meeting was adjourned for the lack of a quorum. The pan-democrats have again crossed swords with the pro-establishment camp and the administration over rules of procedure and the Express Rail Link "checkpoint co-location" plan. Political harmony has vanished. Such a beginning in no way bodes well. Some pan-democratic legislators have threatened to fight until next March, when Legco by-elections take place. Some are therefore worried that Legco may remain paralysed.
While the "co-location" controversy mirrors ideological differences, the row about rules of procedure lays bare the pan-democratic camp's and the pro-establishment camp's thinking of "making full use of powers". In any legislative chamber in the world, minority members filibuster. Any legislature in other parts of the world may take measures to curb filibustering and thereby ensure its own smooth operation. However, there are few regulations Legco may use to restrain filibustering. Pro-establishment Legco members say it is their election pledge to curb filibustering and they seek to "deliver" when they push for the amendment of the rules of procedure. Nevertheless, some of the amendments they have proposed have nothing directly to do with the prevention of filibustering. Their proposal to raise the petition threshold from 20 to 25, which would virtually make it impossible for pan-democrats to submit petitions for setting up select committees, is a case in point. It is understandable for pan-democrats to have slammed the pro-establishment camp for capitalising on others' precariousness and using their powers to the full. However, is it not true that pan-democrats have always used their powers to the full and, to achieve their objectives, made use of every bit of their political latitude? In their view, pro-establishment members have just paid pan-democrats back in their own coin.

Aware that pro-establishment members intended to have the rules of procedure amended in the run-up to the Legco by-elections, the pan-democratic legislators made a pre-emptive move. They proposed 34 amendments to the Legco secretariat for the general meeting, bypassing the Committee on Rules of Procedure. Some time ago, when the pro-establishment camp proposed that the rules of procedure of the Finance Committee be changed, pan-democrats stressed it was not in keeping with "due procedures" not to submit its proposals to the Committee on Rules of Procedure for discussion. However loud they may yell "extraordinary times call for extraordinary ways", one may certainly say "what they are has knocked down what they were". They have in a political struggle casually abandoned "procedural justice", which they usually claim to uphold. Some pan-democratic legislators have pointed out that it is not against the rules of procedure to submit amendment proposals to the general meeting. The logic behind this argument is also "using powers to the full". If pan-democratic and pro-establishment politicians are convinced that "it is right and proper for us to seize every chance to gain advantages and despicable and evil of you to do so", they will vie with one another to resort to "foul play", and the "rites and music" will inevitably be marred.

Hong Kong's electoral system is such that one only has to please a small number of one's staunch supporters to squeeze into the legislature. As long as his supporters are pleased, it does not matter what foul play a legislator may use at the expense of the public interest. Seeing this situation, ordinary wage-earners can only lament it is too ghastly to contemplate. A legislator is paid more than a hundred thousand dollars a month. It is his duty to attend Legco meetings. If legislators play all-destructive tricks and cause adjournments whenever they fail to come to any agreement, they will only make themselves more and more repulsive to ordinary citizens. We call on legislators to have society's well-being at heart. We hope they will rein in at the brink of the precipice and refrain from forcing citizens to continue to watch such bad Legco shows and at the same see their "players" receive huge sums from the public coffers. No more of such absurdities!

開會是責任非「恩賜」 市民看厭流會鬧劇





