<轉載自2017年7月31日 明報 社評>
建設世界一流軍隊 借鑑學習美軍經驗
軍民融合已初見端倪 科技強軍須打破封閉
Development of
military-civil integration
TOMORROW (August 1) is the 90th anniversary of the foundation of the
People's Liberation Army. Having developed for years, China, whose military
capabilities have in recent years grown tremendously, is now among the world's
military powers. The parade yesterday saw in the Zhurihe base (in Inner
Mongolia) showcased what military reform had resulted in over the past two
years. In the speech he made there, President Xi Jinping, who is concurrently
chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC), emphasised
"establishing the military politically, strengthening the military through
reform, building the military up with technology, running the military in
accordance with the law". What has drawn the most attention is the fact
that "building the military up with technology" has for the first
time been put before "running the military in accordance with the
law", and one of the important signs of "building the military up
with technology" is the upgrading of the development of military-civil
(MC) integration to the level of national strategies.
After Beijing had embarked on its "reform and opening-up"
drive, Deng Xiaoping put forward his idea of "military-civil integration,
peace-war integration, giving priority to military establishments and keeping
them with civil establishments". China made afterwards some progress in
having war industries churning out products for civil use. However, clogged
with the traditional idea of giving the military priority and that of
maintaining secrecy, the military's functions and the executive's were not
distinguished between, and defence industries remained independent of the civil
sector. They were so divorced from the general situation of economic development
that there were project duplications, technologies were backward, and extremely
large amounts of capacity resources were wasted.
It is owing to the closed and segmented system that there is gross
imbalance between the technological development of China's war industries and
that of its civil ones. Inordinate emphasis has been placed on certain areas at
the expense of others. For example, China lags decades behind advanced
countries in developing aircraft engines though it is now a space-science power
(as its Shenzhou and Chang'e have gone to explore the moon). C919, the first
China-built airliner, has just completed its flight test.
Xi Jinping has listed the defence and military reform as a top priority,
describing it as "integral" and "revolutionary". He first
proposed in 2015 upgrading the development of MC integration to the level of
"national strategies". When it sat last January, the Political Bureau
of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided that a Central
Commission for Integrated Military and Civilian development be set up and that
Xi himself chair it.
The creation of the CMC Science and Technology Commission is regarded as
a major step towards setting up the Chinese version of the US DARPA (Defence
Advanced Research Projects Agency). It is chaired by Liu Guozhi, a member of
the Chinese Academy of Sciences and an expert in high-power microwave. Yang
Xuejun, newly made president of the Academy of Military Sciences, is the
mastermind behind Tienhe 1, a supercomputer. Deng Xiaogang, newly appointed
president of the National University of Defence Science and Technology, is a
member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences who once studied in Japan. Such
appointments evidence the careful thought that has been expended on building
the military up with technology.
"Sturdy vessels and powerful guns" are an important guarantee
of national defence. However, the military cannot be built up with technology
otherwise than by comprehensively reforming the armed forces' systems and
achieving all-round and thorough-going development of MC integration, and a
breakthrough can be made in the thorough-going development of MC integration
only by breaking closure. It is the only way out to strive for reform and