<轉載自2017年6月20日 明報 社評>
急症室加價難治本 增加醫護釜底抽薪
批評政府誇大短缺 醫生代表罔顧事實
Protectionism — an obstacle to solving the shortage problem in hospitals
AT the beginning of this week, the government raised charges for
emergency room services officially in the hope that some patients will turn to
private clinics or general out-patient clinics for medical care and thus ease
the strain on emergency rooms. The outcome of the measure, however, remains to
be seen.
According to Leung Pak-yin, Chief Executive of the Hospital Authority,
the overall visiting rate of emergency rooms last Sunday, when the new charging
scheme was implemented in public hospitals, fell by seven per cent compared
with the two previous Sundays. Still, at Queen Elizabeth Hospital and Prince of
Wales Hospital, the waiting time for emergency room services was once over
eight hours. Ko Wing-man, the Secretary for Food and Health, said that it took
more time to ascertain whether the fee hike can produce the expected result,
i.e. dissuading patients with a non-urgent condition from using emergency room
According to a report named Healthcare Manpower Planning and
Professional Development published by the government last week, if the existing
service mode remains unchanged, 10 out of the 13 medical professions will be
faced with manpower shortages by the year 2030. The overall public and private
healthcare system will be short of more than 1,000 doctors, 1,669 general
out-patient nurses and 933 physical therapists. According to the report, since
90 per cent of in-patient care and 30 per cent of basic healthcare are provided
by the public healthcare system, the government should give priority to solving
the manpower shortage problem within the Hospital Authority. In view of the
responses from different sectors to the report in spite of some of the
criticism of it, we can conclude that most stakeholders agree that Hong Kong's
healthcare system is seriously understaffed. A physical therapists'
association, for example, argues that the report still massively underestimates
the shortage problem in the profession and fails to formulate a proper ratio of
patients to therapists, worrying that that will affect service quality. The
nursing profession, meanwhile, has pointed out that the nurse-patient ratio at
public hospitals is 1:10 to 1:12, which is significantly lower than the
international standard, which is 1:4 to 1:6. The profession has criticised the
report for failing to reflect the demand for manpower accurately and
underestimating the shortage problem by failing to take into account patients'
real needs.
Representatives of doctors, however, take a completely opposite stand,
claiming that the report has "exaggerated" the shortage of doctors
and has failed to "find the right medicine for the problem". They
stress that the primary problem is not the lack of manpower, but the
government's failure to deploy human resources in a fair way, which they think
has made some departments at public hospitals understaffed. They also claim
that the report has underestimated the private market's ability to withstand
pressure, and have suggested that some patients in the public healthcare system
be diverted to private doctors for follow-up treatment. Without a shadow of a
doubt, no one is against making good use of existing healthcare resources to
achieve higher efficiency. But it is an indisputable fact that there is a lack
of healthcare workers in Hong Kong. Tin Shui Wai Hospital, which came into
operation early this year, had only three specialist clinics at the beginning
due to manpower shortages, and it was not until mid-March that it started
providing 8-hour limited emergency room services. It is still uncertain when a
24-hour service will be ready. The government has stated plainly that, given
the lack of healthcare workers, it is not the best arrangement to increase
service hours when the hospital is not ready.
Before Hong Kong's handover, doctors from member states of the
Commonwealth of Nations were not required to sit an examination in order to
practise in Hong Kong. Back then, there were not any doubts about their
standards raised by society. Associations of medical professions should not try
to prevent the shortage problem from being solved out of protectionism.