2017年6月13日 星期二

香港民主自己爭 黏上台獨恐壞事

<轉載自2017613 明報 社評>
深綠立委成立連線 推動立法干預港事
港爭民主非爭獨立 目標迥異不能混淆
《港澳條例》是台灣當局因應港澳回歸所制定,將港澳與大陸區分,以便與兩地維持緊密交往,惟同時也不將港澳視作「外國」,而是地位特殊的「第三地區」。台灣的《兩岸人民關係條例》與《港澳條例》,都不把大陸人士和港澳人士當作「外國人」,可是有深綠法律界人士聲稱,正是這一點令到大陸和香港民運人士難以被認定為「外國政治難民」,「正常情况下,中國與香港就屬 『外國』」,故此必須修訂這兩條條例。北京對於台獨力量透過修訂《港澳條例》推動「法理台獨」,肯定不會容忍。香港也要小心提防淪為別人的棋子。

Fight for HK democracy must not be linked to Taiwanese independence movement
THE "Taiwan Congressional Hong Kong Caucus at the Legislative Yuan" has been set up by lawmakers from the New Power Party and the Democratic Progressive Party, and a number of Hong Kong Legislative Council members attended the tea party celebrating the event.
Both Hong Kong and Taiwan people enjoy freedom of speech. Exchanges between citizens from the two regions should not be criticised as long as they are not illegal. In fact, every time the Taiwanese presidential election is held, members of Hong Kong political parties fly to Taiwan to study the election and visit the campaign headquarters of candidates from all the major parties. However, the invitation issued by the Caucus to Hong Kong lawmakers from the "localism" and "self-determination" camps is different in nature from those exchanges. First, the Caucus was set up by Taiwanese members of the Legislative Yuan, and the tea party was held at the Legislative Yuan. The interactions were thus of a higher level than ordinary exchanges between citizens. Second, according to Huang Kuo-chang, Chairman of the New Power Party, the Caucus was a cross-party alliance of members of the Legislative Yuan. However, one does not need to look further than the list of the Caucus's 18 members to realise that the so-called "cross-party alliance" was in fact made up of "deep-green" politicians from the Democratic Progressive Party and New Power Party only, with lawmakers from the Kuomintang and the People First Party not participating in the Caucus. This shows that the Caucus is not an alliance of lawmakers from across the political spectrum, and is instead a group with an obvious political leaning. If Hong Kong politicians want to compare notes with members of the Taiwanese Legislative Yuan, they should meet with people from different camps. They should not contact just a specific group of politicians and leave people with the impression that they are forming an alliance with those politicians.
For a long time, Taiwanese politicians were not particularly concerned about Hong Kong affairs. That was the case during the presidency of Chen Shui-bian and that of Ma Ying-jeou alike. However, since Tsai Ing-wen took office, Taiwan's policies towards Hong Kong have changed without many noticing. As pointed out by a Hong Kong expert on the field, the Democratic Progressive Party's advisers on cross-strait relations now take the view that Taiwan and Hong Kong can "fight shoulder to shoulder with each other to defend the core values that they share, including democracy, freedoms, and judicial independence". The Caucus was established against such a backdrop. Huang has claimed that the Caucus was set up to invite Legislative Yuan members from different parties to be concerned about and support Hong Kong's fight for democracy and to enable lawmakers from the two regions to exchange views on issues like young people and land justice. Despite such an ostensibly lofty goal, the actual proposals of members of the Caucus make one suspicious about their motive — are the so-called exchanges on public policies just a masquerade for promoting something entirely different?
Hong Kong's democratic movement before 2014 was never linked to topics like "self-determination" and "independence", let alone being interpreted as separatist. Joshua Wong, Secretary General of Demosistō and Nathan Law, a lawmaker, who were both invited to the Caucus's tea party, said invariably that both Taiwan and Hong Kong were under pressure from Beijing and as such should "support each other". But they have failed to understand one key difference: Hong Kong is fighting for democracy in the face of Beijing, while what deep-green politicians in Taiwan want is Taiwan's independence! Forging friendship with advocates of Taiwan's independence in the belief that "an enemy's enemy is your friend" is likely to backfire — it will complicate Hong Kong's fight for democracy and make it difficult to separate the democratic cause from the Hong Kong independence ideology.
香港民主自己爭 黏上台獨恐壞事

