2016年7月14日 星期四

仲裁未化解爭議 南海反而更多事

<轉載自2016714 明報 社評>
仲裁庭備受質疑 聯合國劃清界線

PCA ruling has complicated matters
CELEBRATIONS erupted in the Philippines after the ruling on the so-called "South China Sea arbitration case" was handed down - just as expected. Countries also involved in sovereignty disputes over the South China Sea have welcomed the ruling, while the United States and Japan have said that the ruling is binding and that China should obey it. However, amid all the sound and fury, no one can say for sure what constructive effect the ruling has produced and how the controversy over the South China Sea can be resolved. The ruling has, instead, complicated matters and provoked even more disagreements.
After the ruling was announced, the United Nations (UN) explained on Weibo that the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) at The Hague is not related to the UN. The UN's move to distance itself from the PCA has been interpreted as its reluctance to get embroiled in the controversy provoked by the ruling. In fact, the aim of arbitration is to resolve controversies. There is a prerequisite to arbitrating in civil, commercial and international disputes - that both sides or all sides agree to take the matter to arbitration and act in accordance with the ruling. Otherwise the arbitration will be meaningless and useless. The Philippines took the matter to arbitration on its own, with China refusing outright to participate in, admit or accept the arbitration from the very beginning. The PCA turned a blind eye to this and stubbornly started the arbitration procedure. Obviously, the PCA was arbitrating for the sake of it in complete disregard of the negative consequences that could ensue.
The PCA enforces the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). However, the convention does not deal with sovereignty issues. Furthermore, back in 2006, the Chinese government declared that controversies involving the demarcation of sea areas would be excluded from mandatory dispute settlement procedures such as arbitration. The PCA claims that it does not rule on any issues involving sovereignty disputes or any boundaries between the countries concerned. Still, the ruling it has handed down touches on areas concerning sovereignty rights such as exclusive economic zones (EEZs). In the ruling, for example, the PCA rejects China's "nine-dash line" claim, adding that some of China's islands are not entitled to EEZ or extended continental shelf rights. This shows that the arbitration process, started by the Philippines, cannot avoid sovereignty or demarcation issues. The PCA agreed to arbitrate in the matter, thus expanding its power on its own, and made a ruling unfavourable to China. There are also queries about its composition, as it is thought to be dominated by Shunji Yanai, a former Japanese diplomat. To put it simply, the PCA's composition, its acting beyond its authority, and its taking aim at China illustrate that the ruling is not a normal piece of arbitration, but the work of a "court" full of political calculations and operations. In this light, it is easy to understand why the ruling has failed to resolve controversies, but has complicated matters and provoked even more disagreements.
The Chinese government has suggested direct negotiations with countries involved in the matter and making tentative but practical arrangements, including co-developing the sea areas in question, so as to bring about a win-win situation. By making such a suggestion, the Chinese government has offered the most possible solution to the disagreements as well as a way to profit from the situation. Countries involved in the matter will find that there is no limit to what they can achieve once they throw off the shackles of incitements started by those harbouring political considerations and identify the South China Sea as "the sea of development" and "the sea of harmony".
仲裁未化解爭議 南海反而更多事


