<轉載自2018年7月4日 明報 社評>
藉房屋新策順水推舟 不等土地報告損觀感
短期選項勿放軟手腳 多管齊下可保公信力
Land reclamation an inevitable option
CHIEF EXECUTIVE Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor's vocal support for land reclamation
has aroused widespread concern and discussion. Some have accused the government
of paying no regard to the current consultation process on land supply and
bypassing the Task Force on Land Supply. But seeing this from a different
perspective, one may also say the government is seizing the opportunity created
by its earlier announcement of the "six new housing initiatives" to
persuade people into supporting reclamation for the purpose of building more
subsidised housing and helping people to buy homes. It is hard to judge now
whether it is wise or not for the government to declare where it stands and put
forth a campaign for reclamation. However, it is undeniable that land
reclamation is an effective means of increasing land supply in the long run.
The land issue has to be tackled with a multi-pronged approach. Reclamation is
certainly an inevitable option but not the only one. To deal with the
short-term land supply situation, the government cannot evade options like
developing brownfield sites and resuming some of the sites leased under private
recreational leases either.
The public consultation exercise conducted by the Task Force on Land
Supply is still under way, with a large-scale random opinion survey expected in
August. After the consultation ends in late September, the task force will
compile a report and submit it to the government by year end. However, Lam says
it is an urgent task to solve the land and housing problem and she cannot
"leave a blank" regarding this question in her next annual policy address.
She wants to mention in the October policy address how to deal with the land
supply issue. She cannot hold off dealing with it until the submission of the
task force's final report at the end of the year. She hopes the task force can
give her some broad direction in September which the policy address can refer
The task force initiated the debate over land supply for the sake of
reaching a consensus. Of course the ideal way is for the government to wait for
the body's final report before making any decisions. The administration's
refusal to wait is bound to draw criticism. Those mistrustful of the government
will inevitably question whether the land supply debate is only a "fake
consultation". But to be fair, Hong Kong's land shortage problem has put
the city in deep water. The last policy address had already been under fire for
failing to "deliver the goods". People will find it hard to justify
if again no solutions are offered this time. It is true that the government's
decision not to "wait" for the task force's report has given the
public a bad impression. But it is also the government's duty to take timely
action to address the pressing needs of the community. Whether it can shake off
the doubts over "fake consultation" will depend on the government's
attitude and the exact way it will handle the matter.
Since the start of the land supply debate, it has been frequently opined
that the government's efforts in finding land for housing are aimed at helping
property developers rake it in, and that all the land found will only be
reserved for building luxurious residential units and so forth. To a certain
degree, such sayings have affected the public's eagerness to engage in the
consultation process. However, it is indeed possible that the "six new
housing initiatives" rolled out by Lam may sway the direction of the
entire debate. Under the new measures, prices of subsidised housing units like
Home Ownership Scheme (HOS) flats and Green Form Subsidised HOS flats will be
unpegged from market prices. Future subsidised housing prices will be based on
the median household income. How well people can afford the flats will become a
criterion in setting prices. With buying homes being the common wish of many,
the new policy is of course widely welcomed. It is amid such an atmosphere that
Lam has signalled her support for reclamation. She has even suggested that the
current 6:4 ratio of public housing to private flats be changed after land
supply is assured in the future, implying the 7:3 ratio could be brought up for
discussion. The timing of her latest comments manifests an intention of riding
on an opportune moment.
填海造地必然選項 政府造勢避免失焦
土地辯論展開以來,一個不時聽到的觀點,是政府覓地建屋不過是幫發展商大撈一筆,有地都是用來起豪宅,云云。有關說法,多少影響了公眾對土地辯論的投入。不過上周林鄭公布「房策六招」,宣布居屋、綠置居等資助房屋與市價脫 鈎,確有可能影響整場討論的風向。未來資助房屋售價,改為參考家庭入息中位數,以市民負擔能力為定價標準,不少市民希望置業安居,當然歡迎新政策。際此時刻,林鄭表態支持填海,還表示未來土地供應有了保證後,公營房屋對私樓的「六四」供應比例可以改變,暗示「七三比」有商量,論時機顯然有順水推舟之意。