2018年4月17日 星期二

既定程序文化 淪為官場醬缸

<轉載自2018417 明報 社評>


車主遵令做人肉路障 卻接「擬檢控通知書」





既定程序變相包庇 成庸官劣吏護身符



The culture of blaming standard procedure is corroding good governance

LAST February the police were accused of using vehicles of citizens to block a suspect seven-seater car on Fanling Highway. Shortly afterwards, affected vehicle owners were served with notices of intended prosecution by the police. Given the ridiculousness of the development, the incident has again aroused public concern. "What are the police thinking?" This is a question asked by not only the affected car owners but also many citizens. It is more than two months since the Fanling Highway incident. The police should provide an explanation as soon as possible about the nature of the incident and what was done to remedy the situation to allow the public to judge whether the police officer in question (as well as the Police Force) handled the incident appropriately.

Regarding the Fanling Highway incident, the police have not provided an explanation as to whether the use of private vehicles to block a suspect car was in accordance with the Police General Orders. In the incident, the vehicle owners had, in compliance with the instructions of the traffic police as signalled by the warning light, slowed down or stopped their vehicles. The vehicles were then smashed, their owners injured. The owners of the vehicles have recently been served with notices of intended prosecution by the police. Such a development is absolutely unreasonable regardless of the angle from which one looks at it. Even though the Commissioner of Police said that it was standard procedure and did not necessarily lead to prosecution of the concerned parties, the spokesperson of the Police Force said one of the purposes of the notice was to "protect the concerned parties" — so that they might consider how to defend themselves — and to record what had happened promptly.

The so called "purpose" stated by the spokesperson of the Police Force was obviously not something as simple as "standard procedure". Based on what is known, police officers on duty "took advantage of" the concerned vehicle owners when trying to block a speeding suspect car. Now, they have been served with notices of intended prosecution. Are the police exploiting these owners again to cover up their inappropriate actions? This is something that merits concern.

"Standard procedure" has often been used by the government as an excuse for whatever blunder it has committed. When government officials commit mistakes, they are able to get away by blaming "standard procedure". However, apart from standard procedure, government officials have also often turned to their power to "exercise discretion" for protection whenever they are in trouble. Anyone with some common sense knows that it is unreasonable for the police to serve the vehicle owners with notices of intended prosecution. Why have the police not thought of exercising discretion in this case?

The police's intention to prosecute the vehicle owners, who were used as "human shields", was a mistake. Trying to defend themselves against the criticism, the police cited "standard procedure". This is only the most recent case of misconduct — or even breach of duty — by government officials. In cases such as the Lamma ferry disaster and lead contamination incident, all government officials involved avoided disciplinary action by hiding behind "standard procedure". Even senior officials use standard procedure to pardon officials who have committed mistakes. The government has a lot of complicated work to handle. Therefore, there must be rules and procedures for dealing with any matter. If there were no standard procedure for government officials to follow and each person acted as they pleased, things would definitely end up in confusion. However, the many maladministration and malpractices of the government also show clearly that the practice of "standard procedure" has allowed mediocre and inferior officials to walk away and has resulted in poor governance. If the government cannot free itself from the fetters of standard procedure, good governance will merely be empty talk.

既定程序文化 淪為官場醬缸






