2018年4月27日 星期五

土地供應辯論啟動 沉默大多數須發聲

<轉載自2018427 明報 社評>


土地供應蹉跎多年 人禍交織香港沉淪




沉默大多數站起來 勿讓大辯論被騎劫


另外,當局也可以參考協商民主(deliberative democracy)理念,以「協商民意測驗」蒐集民意。一般民調和公投雖然能反映「原始民意」,然而民眾有時可能只是憑印象做決定,容易受到公關宣傳和政治偏見影響,英國「脫歐公投」正是一次經驗教訓。近年一些學者便主張,將隨機抽樣科學原則,與民主討論精神相結合,進行「協商民意測驗」,以隨機抽樣方式,先組織一個能夠大致反映社會整體構成的「民意代表團」,然後安排大型研討會,邀請代表們出席,聽取不同持份者和專家觀點,然後再回答問卷或投票。全球已有廿多國家試行「協商民意測驗」,就公共政策表達意見,專家普遍認為,這種調查能得出更優質民意,確保受訪者有深思熟慮,不是憑主觀直覺作判斷。有關做法值得當局考慮。


The silent majority should speak out in the land supply debate

THE TASK FORCE ON LAND SUPPLY has launched a 5-month "big debate" on land supply and put forth 18 options so that the public can discuss them and come up with a consensus on how to increase land supply. In Hong Kong, the problem of land shortage has reached a critical point. While government officials should be blamed for their myopic attitude and failure to carry out their duties, some stakeholders who have only their personal interests on their minds and are too stubborn to change their points of view have pushed Hong Kong society into a blind alley. Hong Kong's prosperity hinges on the outcome of the "big debate". The government must summon up its political will and withstand the pressure from vested interests. Through credible mechanisms to gauge public opinion, it must help the silent majority make themselves heard. Instead of engaging in petty politicking, different stakeholders should also put aside their personal interests and take part in the discussion rationally. Ordinary citizens should participate in the "big debate" actively to prevent it from being hijacked by a handful of people.

In the past ten-odd years, government officials have given little attention to land production and land supply has almost remained the same. Some stakeholders who have only their personal interests on their minds oppose any land production plan that has an adverse impact on them. There are also some people who care deeply about justice and environmental protection. Their ideals, though noble, are also utopian. Some political parties are opportunists. They either toe the populist line and side with what has the most support or oppose building flats and houses while talking about increasing housing supply, when in fact it all depends on the interest of their class that they represent.

The "big debate" of land supply is an excellent opportunity to break the current deadlock. The public should take the initiative to take part in the debate, and the "silent majority" should speak up proactively. The government should invest more human power and resources to use scientific and credible mechanisms to collect "quality public opinion". The government can refer to the conduct of population censuses and carry out a large-scale random door-to-door questionnaire survey. In this way, interviewees will have a chance to listen to some explanation about the options before they decide.

The government may also draw inspiration from the philosophy of deliberative democracy and use "deliberative opinion polling" to gauge public opinion. Though ordinary opinion polls and referendums reflect "rudimentary public opinion", people sometimes base their choices on impressions only and can be easily swayed by public relations exercises and political bias. In recent years, some scholars have advocated organising a team of "public opinion representatives" who are selected randomly to reflect roughly the overall composition of the society. They are invited to take part in large seminars and listen to views of different stakeholders and experts. They are then asked to respond to questionnaires or take a vote. Experts generally believe that this kind of survey can better reflect public opinion.

Social justice is a perpetual issue and cannot be achieved overnight. Increasing land supply is, however, an issue that cannot be delayed. Every option of land supply has its pros and cons. All sectors of the society should take part in the discussion rationally with an open mind. Government officials must have the backbone and the commitment to encourage the silent majority to speak out. It should not show any favour to any vested interests. It should accept mainstream public opinion even if it does not accord with that of the government.

土地供應辯論啟動 沉默大多數須發聲




當局也可以參考協商民主(deliberative democracy)理念,以「協商民意測驗」蒐集民意。一般民調和公投雖然能反映「原始民意」,然而民眾有時可能只是憑印象做決定,容易受到公關宣傳和政治偏見影響。近年一些學者主張,以隨機抽樣方式,先組織一個能夠大致反映社會整體構成的「民意代表團」,然後安排大型研討會,邀請代表們出席,聽取不同持份者和專家觀點,再回答問卷或投票。專家普遍認為,這種調查能得出更優質民意。


