2018年4月10日 星期二

跨境基建監管與解說 港有角色勿遷就內地

<轉載自2018410 明報 社評>

港珠澳大橋東人工島連接隧道防波堤出現「崩角」疑雲,路政署一度以東人工島屬主橋工程由港珠澳大橋管理局負責為由,着傳媒向管理局查詢。翌日,管理局才在網站撰文回應質疑,否認防波堤被冲散的說法,惟解釋未消除香港公眾疑慮,也有本港工程界人士不信服。港珠澳大橋耗資逾千億元,是一國兩制之下,粵港澳首次合作建設的大型跨境交通基建設施,港方出資比例近43%,香港市民要求港府和大橋管理局進一步交代,合情合理。周日,路政署官員赴珠海會見大橋管理局成員後, 延至昨天才向傳媒交代, 應對拖泥帶水,令人氣結。


管理局有港方成員 港府應對責無旁貸




堅持港事港辦作風 促升內地辦事文化




The mega bridge saga

THE BREAKWATER of the eastern artificial island of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) which is connected to a tunnel is suspected of having "chipped off". At one time the Highways Department referred the press to the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Authority claiming that the latter was responsible for the eastern island, which is part of the construction of the main bridge. In response to queries, the HZMB Authority only published an article on its web page the next day denying that the breakwater had fallen apart. However, the explanation failed to dispel the suspicions and worries of the Hong Kong public. Some Hong Kong engineering professionals were not convinced either. With a price tag of over a hundred billion dollars, the HZMB marks the first time Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao have collaborated on a piece of mega cross-boundary transportation infrastructure under "One Country, Two Systems", and Hong Kong shoulders nearly 43% of the cost. It is reasonable and fair that the Hong Kong public ask for more clarification from the Hong Kong government and the HZMB Authority. The officials of the Highways Department went to Zhuhai last Sunday to meet with members of the HZMB Authority, but the officials postponed briefing the press until yesterday (April 9). The slow response of the government is frustrating.

The suspicion that the breakwater of HZMB's eastern artificial island has "chipped off" highlights the need to strengthen monitoring and incident response of cross-boundary infrastructure projects. It also reflects the distrust harboured by some Hong Kong people towards mainland authorities which has led them to look at the quality of cross-boundary projects with doubts. As Hong Kong further integrates with the mainland, similar incidents will continue to happen. Authorities of both regions should establish effective mechanisms to respond to questions and queries about project safety and the operation of transport facilities. Only by enhancing transparency and relying on facts and data can mutual trust be built.

According to the agreement reached by the governments of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in 2009, there are 9 members on the Joint Works Committee of the Three Governments. Hong Kong representatives comprise officials of the Transport and Housing Bureau and the Highways Department. Their duties include monitoring the quality and safety of the construction of HZMB's main bridge as well as the appointment and removal of key personnel of the HZMB Authority, a body authorised by the Joint Works Committee. The deputy directors of the HZMB Authority were each nominated by the three governments. Hong Kong's representative is a senior engineer of the Highways Department who has been temporarily transferred to the body. Under this arrangement, if the project has any problem or incident, no matter whether the section involved is located in Hong Kong waters or not, the Highways Department and other concerned departments of the Hong Kong government ought to know and it is incumbent on them to follow up.
Daniel Chung Kum-wah, Director of Highways Department, led a delegation to Zhuhai last Sunday to discuss with the HZMB Authority the incident. However, the press was not invited. Chung returned to Hong Kong right after the meeting and did not brief the Hong Kong press who had been waiting there for a long time. Chung met the press only yesterday. This is a PR disaster. It is puzzling why the Hong Kong government has dug a hole for itself.

A small city as it might be, Hong Kong has played an important role in the modernisation of China in contemporary times. Since the mainland adopted the reform and opening-up policy, Hong Kong has been engaging in frequent exchanges with the mainland and has been a positive influence on the mainland in terms of fostering improvement of its culture of how to get things done. In the course of interacting with the mainland, Hong Kong people should treasure the opportunities of making a positive impact on its culture of how to get things done and must not act the other way round by accommodating and catering to the undesirable ways of some mainland officials and departments who lack transparency in what they do and even evade accountability and avoid clarification.

跨境基建監管與解說 港有角色勿遷就內地






