2021年3月22日 星期一

延遲退休方案樓梯響 彈性處理服眾莫遲疑

<轉載自2021322 明報 社評>


社保基金入不敷支勢擴大 政府補貼無底洞於事無補





輿論各自表述官員無動於中 方案不論保守激進應早出台





Delay of retirement age in mainland China

The average life expectancy in mainland China's urban areas has exceeded 80 years old. However, different government agencies and businesses still adopt the mandatory retirement ages set in 1978, i.e. 60 for men, 50 for female workers and 55 for female government cadres. As the Chinese population is ageing, the birth rate has been declining year by year, and the National Social Security Fund has been increasingly unable to balance its books. The policy of increasing the retirement age was originally scheduled for the last five-year plan. In the 14th five-year plan just unveiled, it is specifically stated that the policy must be implemented within five years. Judging by the progress that has been made, however, it is concerning whether this will be possible.

Workers who are financially secure and want to enjoy their untroubled retirements as soon as possible hope that the existing legal retirement age can be maintained. Those who are less financially secure want to receive wages for a few more years and delay their retirements. As for young workers, they are more concerned about the policy than others, since it has everything to do with their tax burdens in the coming years.

For six years in a row, the National Social Security Fund has not been able to balance its books. With the annual increase of retirees and the shrinkage of the working population year by year since 2012, it is inevitable that the fund is running a deficit. Currently, the fund relies on the government's funding and additional charges from state-owned enterprises to fill the shortfall, but this is not a long-term solution.

The much awaited implementation of the new retirement ages has been related to government officials' indecision. For some intensively manual jobs, the retirement age of 60 is almost the limit. For some jobs that require long-term training, such as doctors or scientific researchers, the practitioners enter the workforce later in their lives, and the accumulation of practical experience has a greater effect on enhancing work efficiency. It will be a waste of human resources to ask them to retire at 60. Whether the retirement age of men and women should be equal also remains a topic of contention.

The principles laid down in the 14th five-year plan for delayed retirement policy include ''minor adjustment, flexible implementation, different rates of advance by category, and coordination and organisation''. When it comes to the principle of flexible implementation, different provinces and industries can handle their own situations accordingly.

As for ''minor adjustment'', some experts have proposed that the statutory retirement age be increased by one year every several years until the retirement age is increased to 65 years old in 2045. Radical proposals include unifying the retirement age for men and women to 60 as soon as possible and increasing retirement age to 65 shortly. Both solutions involve the questions of whether to allow voluntary choice of retirement.

Young workers are concerned that their job opportunities and promotion prospects will be affected once the legal retirement age is raised. Those who take voluntary early retirement are less likely to receive benefits and labour protection they deserve even if they have a job due to their low competitiveness in the workplace, thus becoming a new vulnerable group.

To dispel the public's concerns, the government should announce clearly that stakeholders will be consulted earlier and their views will be taken into consideration so as to build the foundation for perfecting policies.

The debate on delayed retirement has raged on for some time, but the policy remains unimplemented after so long, while the factors causing the deficits of the National Social Security Fund are growing. The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, which is responsible for this policy, should put forward a proposal for enabling substantive public discussion.

遲退休方案樓梯響 彈性處理服眾莫遲疑










