2021年3月14日 星期日

高不成低不就 佛山建新機場須三思

 <轉載自2021315 明報 社評>


高鐵開通取代短途航線 小型機場不敵特大機場





佛山新機場定位多方夾擊 珠海機場得天獨厚仍虧損




Think twice before building a new airport in Foshan

Recently Zhu Wei, the mayor of Foshan, has announced that Foshan's proposal to build a new airport costing RMB 35 billion has been officially approved by the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC). If completed, the new airport will be a major addition to the list of five existing airports in the Pearl River Delta. The economic development and ever-growing number of travellers in the Greater Bay area may necessitate the construction of a new airport, but there are two bigger pictures that need to be considered. One is the large-scale expansions of the Guangzhou airport and Shenzhen airport, and the other is the intense development of high-speed rail (HSR) trains and magnetic levitation (Maglev) trains as alternatives to aircraft. Whether the new airport in Foshan will be a white elephant is a question that must be considered carefully.

The total passenger traffic of the existing Foshan Shadi Airport was just 870,000 in 2019. Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport handled 73.37 million passengers in 2019, and there have been plans to strive for the building of a second airport in Guangzhou to divert traffic from Baiyun. From the perspective of the set-up of airports and the economic development driven by them, it is reasonable to build a new airport in Foshan City.

Over the past decade or so, the average annual growth in air passengers has reached 10%. Even though economic growth has slowed down in recent years, the number of air passengers has continued to rise. However, the aviation industry has faced a new challenge in recent years, as the speed and convenience of HSR trains has strongly appealed to travellers in recent years.

As the popularity of HSR trains increases, it is short-haul air routes that have been hit hard. Such being the case, how will the new airport in Foshan position itself in the market when long-haul routes are dominated by Guangzhou and Shenzhen airports and short-haul air routes are replaced by HSR trains?

It is unknown whether the CAAC has conducted in-depth research of the impact of HSR trains as an alternative transportation method, but it certainly hopes that the aviation industry as a whole will be further developed. Statistics from 2019 show that there were only 106 airports with passenger traffic over 1 million, and 25 airports had traffic below 100,000. Information concerning the profit or loss of airports in mainland China has never been transparent.

Inaugurated in 1995, Zhuhai International Airport has been making a loss. A turnaround occurred only after the Airport Authority Hong Kong participated in its management, and it was only in 2018 when its passenger traffic exceeded ten million. The airport also has benefited from the Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macao Bridge, as it has catered to travellers who fly from Zhuhai and take international flights at Hong Kong International Airport. Furthermore, it has handled a huge amount of air freight because of the shortening of the distance between Hong Kong and Zhuhai, also thanks to the bridge. As the airport is also adjacent to Macao, there are a huge number of mainland tourists visiting Macao via Zhuhai. Even so, Zhuhai International Airport has not been able to turn a profit.

In addition to a larger number of air routes and huge traffic, mega airports are mostly able to turn a profit also because of additional revenues from airport stores. Small airports, in contrast, are at a disadvantage in every aspect, and they have to shoulder the high cost of the maintenance of high-end equipment. They must rely on government subsidies to stay afloat. The fact that the Foshan government is forking out for a large airport makes people wonder whether it is a face-saving project of the incumbent government leaders. They will find it difficult to escape the blame if the project turns out to be a white elephant and their successors and citizens have to foot the bill.

高不成低不就 佛山建新機場須三思








