2021年3月1日 星期一

權力傾斜利益團體 須防滋生政治腐敗

<轉載自202132 明報 社評>


社會多元須保障 制度設計要公平





改善管治推動改革 勿讓既得利益坐大

世上沒有完美的選舉制度,比例代表制與「小選區勝者全取」,孰優孰劣,並無定論。比例代表制較能反映不同政治光譜,惟亦較容易讓邊緣激進力量躋身議會,找到政治宣傳平台,助長政治極端化;「勝者全取」則偏向遏抑小眾聲音,勝負亦容易受到選區劃界影響,出現所謂「 傑利蠑螈(gerrymandering)」一類不公平操作。中央強調「愛國者治港」絕不是搞「清一色」,又提到社會多樣多元是香港的一個特點,選舉制度改革,理應照顧這些港情。比例代表制未必再適合當下港情,然而選舉制度改革必須公平,具體方案設計,要避免予人「明益」個別某一兩個政黨之感。


Tilted power may breed political corruption

Several departments of the central government have held a symposium in Shenzhen to hear opinions on perfecting Hong Kong's electoral system. If the speech by Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office Director Xia Baolong last week was to set the tone for the principles of ''patriots governing Hong Kong'', the Shenzhen symposium was to discuss the concrete reform proposals. Attendees have floated ideas like changing the composition of the chief executive election committee, reforming the legislature's electoral system, establishing a credentials committee for qualifying candidates, requiring Legislative Council candidates to be nominated by members on the chief executive election committee and so forth. Hong Kong's political environment has already changed ever since the anti-extradition storm and the enactment of the Hong Kong National Security Law. We cannot turn the clock back to the time before the anti-extradition storm. Now that Beijing wants to expel ''anti-China individuals who disrupt Hong Kong'' from the Establishment, the political and the electoral systems of Hong Kong are bound to face drastic changes. However, overdoing something can be equally bad as underdoing it. ''Uniformity'' should not be the goal when fulfilling ''patriots governing Hong Kong''. Institutional reform should be done in a way that guarantees the pluralism of society as well as to avoid skewing the power overly in favour of a handful of people with vested interests, which will breed political corruption.

Central government officials including Xia attended the symposium in Shenzhen over the last two days to solicit opinions from Hong Kong participants on implementing the principle of ''patriots governing Hong Kong''. Xia mentioned five general principles for reforming Hong Kong's electoral system. They include adhering to the National Constitution and the Basic Law strictly, implementing an executive-led system to enhance the effectiveness of governance, respecting the central authorities' leadership, making sure the electoral systems reflect Hong Kong's reality, and soundly safeguarding the systems to guarantee that positions in the executive, legislature and judiciary, as well as persons in charge of key statutory bodies, are held by true patriots.

A number of proposals were mentioned by some Hong Kong attendees. On the composition of the chief executive election committee, some said the 117 committee seats currently held by district councillors should be abolished while the Hong Kong representatives to the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference National Committee should be listed as ex-officio members. On LegCo elections, a proposal called for cancelling the five ''super district council'' functional constituency seats while another suggested abandoning the proportional representation mechanism for the directly elected LegCo seats and adopting a ''double-seat, single-vote'' system instead. Current electoral districts would be ''broken down into smaller ones''. As for the gatekeeping of candidacy, some called for setting up a credentials committee instead of relying solely on the returning officers for deciding on a candidate's qualification. There were opinions that LegCo candidates have to obtain nominations from a certain number of chief executive election committee members before entering the contest.

According to the Basic Law, district councils are not organs of political power. But they play certain roles in both legislative elections and the election of the chief executive. Apparently the die is already cast that the roles of incumbent district councillors in higher-level elections will be squeezed or even abolished. By comparison, supposedly there are still loose ends regarding how the LegCo's electoral system shall be changed.

Small-circle elections are more easily beset by the problem of being tilted in favour of vested interests. If the members of the chief executive election committee are given more power and allowed to play important roles in the nomination of LegCo candidates, that will mean furthering their political leverage. One can imagine that compared to the 600-plus votes a chief executive candidate has to secure for election, the number of nominations from election committee members a LegCo candidate has to obtain will not be very large in the future. Such a nomination arrangement can easily breed political corruption, horse-trading and other problems.

權力傾斜利益團體 須防滋生政治腐敗






