2019年5月21日 星期二

美國升級打壓華為 莫須有如昔日侵伊

<轉載自2019521 明報 社評>


打擊華為增貿戰籌碼 美出重招盼一石二鳥

中美貿易戰爭持不下,美國總統特朗普對華「極限施壓」,為的顯然已不是縮窄貿易逆差,而是要遏阻中國發展、力保「美國第一」霸權地位,然而中方絕不接受華府提出的「不平等條約」,《金融時報》北京分社社長Tom Mitchell指出,中國已準備打一場曠日持久的貿易戰爭。美方企圖逼北京簽城下之盟,面對「老鼠拉龜」處境,此時出手對付華為,可以增加談判籌碼,然而華府目的顯然不止於此。


路透社等傳媒報道,華為在美國的主要生意伙伴,包括晶片生產商英特爾、高通和博通等都已停止向華為供貨,直至另行通知,至於Google亦暫停部分與華為業務合作,未來華為推出的新智能手機,雖可繼續使用開放原始碼的Android系統,惟無法使用包括Google PlayGmailYouTube等應用程式及服務。這對於華為智能手機在國際市場,特別是歐洲方面的競爭力,將構成嚴重影響,畢竟Android作業系統全球市佔率超過七成,對於很多用慣Android手機的消費者,沒有了Gmail等服務,等同廢了一半武功,產品吸引力必然下降。

華為表示早有「Plan B」,多年前已着手研發自家操作系統平台,旗下的海思半導體亦能設計出高端晶片,然而負責生產的台積電會否因為美台政治壓力,停止與華為合作,仍是未知之數。當今全球產業鏈環環緊扣,華為的「備胎」計劃,很難填補每一環節,替代原先來自美國的產品,然而同一道理,美國科技巨企突然少了華為這樣的大買家,亦是一場災難。


濫用「國家安全」之名 美霸凌促科技自立




US's bullying of Huawei has echoes of Iraq invasion

AS the United States has added Huawei Technologies to a trade blacklist, American technological giants including Google have no choice but to suspend cooperation with Huawei.

With the Sino‑US trade war at a standstill, US president Donald Trump is exerting maximum pressure on China clearly not to reduce trade deficit but to curb China's development and protect the US's global hegemony. However, China will not accept an unequal treaty. Huawei's 5G technology is more advanced than that of its competitors around the globe, offering the best value for money. Washington has more than once stated that the US must not lose to China in the 5G race. Washington's action against Huawei is mainly divided into two parts. The first is an executive order signed by Donald Trump, which declares "a national emergency" and bans transactions that "pose a national security risk". Chinese communication equipment is the main target. The second is the addition of nearly 70 corporations, including Huawei, into an export control list, meaning that American corporations must get approval from the Commerce Department before they can sell products and services to Huawei. As Huawei does not have much business in the US, the impact of the first prong of the US's action will be limited. The second prong, in comparison, will be more serious in nature.

According to reports by Reuters and other news agencies, Huawei's main business partners in the US including computer chip makers Intel, Qualcomm and Broadcom have stopped supplying chips to Huawei until further notice. Meanwhile Google has also suspended some business cooperation with Huawei, meaning that new smartphones released by Huawei in the future will not have applications and services such as Google Play, Gmail and YouTube, although the open source version of Android can still be deployed. This will deal a heavy blow to Huawei smartphones' competitiveness in the international market, especially in the European market. After all, Android OS makes up more than 70% of the market. To consumers who are used to Android phones' interface, the absence of services such as Gmail will render the phones semi‑functional, making the phones definitely less appealing.

In Europe, Huawei has been striving to ease concern of governments over national security. Though some regulatory agencies argue that the technological design of Huawei products still contains weaknesses, they have never found any malicious "backdoors". In 2003, Washington launched a war using the false charge that Iraq was developing "weapons of mass destruction". The US media stooped so low as to become the government's mouthpiece. Not until the war ended was it confirmed that Iraq did not have any biological, chemical and nuclear weapons. The economic warfare the US has waged on China is surrounded by an atmosphere resembling that of the war on Iraq waged by George W Bush.

Washington's actions against Huawei once again show the importance of being technologically self‑sufficient. In recent years, China has been forging ahead with supply‑side structural reform with the goal of perfecting the supply chain. The European Union is also increasingly concerned about the monopoly of American technological giants such as Facebook and Google, and has even taken anti‑trust proceedings. The latest "bullying" by Washington will drive economies such as China and the EU to speed up the development of scientific research so as not to be manipulated by others.

美國升級打壓華為 莫須有如昔日侵伊



路透社等傳媒報道,華為在美國的主要生意伙伴,包括晶片生產商英特爾、高通和博通等都已停止向華為供貨,直至另行通知,至於Google亦暫停部分與華為業務合作,未來華為推出的新智能手機,雖可繼續使用開放原始碼的Android系統,惟無法使用包括Google PlayGmailYouTube等應用程式及服務。這對於華為智能手機在國際市場,特別是歐洲方面的競爭力,將構成嚴重影響,畢竟Android作業系統全球市佔率超過七成,對於很多用慣Android手機的消費者,沒有了Gmail等服務,等同廢了一半武功,產品吸引力必然下降。



