2018年12月13日 星期四

孟晚舟護照真相大白 陰謀論橫行應當反思

<轉載自20181213 明報 社評>


美方陳述事實欠全面 有識之士應審慎看待





合理懷疑與陰謀論 專家應助市民分辨




The conspiracy theories about Meng Wanzhou's passports

HUAWEI's deputy-chairperson Meng Wanzhou, who was arrested earlier, has been granted bail by a Canadian court. The judge has criticised some claims of the US as speculative. He has clarified that Meng has only two valid passports, which were issued by Hong Kong and mainland China, and has also dismissed the suggestion that Meng possesses "multiple valid passports". To prevent Meng from being released on bail, the US Department of Justice created the impression that Meng posed a flight risk, and Hong Kong was drawn into the incident as a result. It is understandable that Hong Kong people wanted the truth. But it is regrettable that many people had preconceived ideas and believed the one-sided claims of the US. What is valuable about a free and open society is that one can monitor the government and the rich and powerful. However, one should also be vigilant about facts being conflated with prejudice, which is not uncommon in the age of post-truth. The controversy over Meng's passports is worth reflecting upon.

The US accused Meng of violating its sanction against Iran, while Meng insisted that she is innocent. The truth of the matter is still to be found out. To urge the court to deny bail to Meng, the US Department of Justice emphasised in its documents to Canada that Meng had many passports. The claims of the US immediately smouldered in Hong Kong. Some people queried whether Meng had violated the law since she possessed multiple valid HKSAR passports. Although the Hong Kong government responded by saying that the Immigration Department confirmed after reviewing its records that Meng had only one valid HKSAR passport at all times, some people continued to determine that fraud and misconduct was involved.

Hong Kong is a free society and everyone has the right to raise their doubts. It is reasonable to ask whether Meng's HKSAR passport has any problems and whether Hong Kong's passport issuing system is sound. However, some of the sceptical voices can hardly be considered reasonable doubts. They are instead wild guesses and speculations based on conspiracy theories. For example, some people queried whether the SAR government had been "colluding" with the mainland and, in violation of the law, issued multiple passports to someone because they are rich and powerful. Others made a fuss about the background of the company commissioned to print HKSAR passports and made up a story of "the political mastermind" with a lot of graphic details.

The decision of the Canadian court has at least cleared the name of Meng with regard to her passports. Documents of the US Department of Justice claimed that Meng had been avoiding the US on purpose since March 2017 because she knew that they were investigating Huawei. The judge has criticised this argument for being "speculative and without any reliable foundation". If there are any inadequacies in those learned people in Hong Kong commenting on the issue of Meng's passports, it is that they lack the objective, critical and unbiased mind of the Canadian judge.

Sometimes there is only a very thin line between conspiracy theories and reasonable doubts. A major characteristic of conspiracy theories is that they are based on personal bias and it is often difficult to prove that they are fallacious. In fact, it is getting more difficult to distinguish between facts and bias in the age of post-truth. The role of experts should be to raise questions on the one hand and, on the other hand, to explain clearly which arguments are supported by relatively adequate evidence and which arguments are speculative or hypothetical. In this way, experts can promote rational discussion by helping the public to distinguish between conspiracy theories and reasonable doubts. If the experts themselves participate in speculation based on conspiracy theories, it will only undermine the public's trust in them, and what they say will only be treated as "crying wolf" in the long run.

孟晚舟護照真相大白 陰謀論橫行應當反思






