2018年12月17日 星期一

改革開放40年 中國面臨再出發

<轉載自20181217 明報 社評>


滄海桑田經驗獨特 思想解放良性循環


正如1991年諾貝爾經濟學獎得主高斯(Ronald Coase)所言,中國的改革開放是二戰以後人類歷史上最為成功的經濟改革運動,中國經濟的發展無法用西方制度經濟學來解釋,其成功是「人類行為的意外後果」(the unintended consequences of human action)。的而且確,在所有社會主義國家的轉型中,中國既未如蘇聯般解體崩潰,亦未如東歐國家般完全轉向資本主義,更未如古巴、朝鮮等國陷入貧窮孤立的窘境,創立社會主義公有制同商品經濟兼容的經驗,是中國的獨一無二創舉。所以說,中國過去40年的經驗是十分獨特,甚至可以說是獨一無二的。



民主法治詬病最多 環境污染代價沉重






40 years of Reform and Opening Up

WITH pomp and circumstance Beijing will play host to a gathering tomorrow to commemorate in a high-profile manner the 40th anniversary of China's Reform and Opening Up. At a time when trade negotiations between China and the US are set to begin, the declaration to be made by Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC and president of China, concerning Reform and Opening Up in the future will be the centre of attention from around the world.

China has arguably altered beyond recognition thanks to 40 years' Reform and Opening Up. The changes are breathtaking. From a destitute country that accounted for just 1.8% of the global economy, it has risen to become the second biggest economy in the world at 14.8% of the world's GDP. Its GDP per capita was only US$384, ranked seventh to last among more than 200 countries. Now it is expected that China's per capita GDP will reach US$9281 this year, so much so the country will rank among middle-income countries. From 1978 to 2018, 5.1949 million people from the mainland studied abroad, a number similar to the population of Singapore. China has become the biggest country in terms of overseas students.

Just as Ronald Coase, the winner of Nobel Prize in economics in 1991, has said, the Reform and Opening Up in China is the most successful economic reform movement in human history since the Second World War. As China's economic development cannot be explained in terms of Western economic models, it is "the unintended consequences of human action". Indeed, of all the socialist countries going through transformation, China did not dissolve like the USSR, did not completely switch to capitalism like the Eastern European countries, and of course was not plunged into poverty and isolation like countries such as Cuba and North Korea. The creation of a system that reconciles public ownership of socialism with a commodity economy is a unique Chinese achievement. It can be said that what China has gone through over the past 40 years is very unique and can even be called one of a kind.

And all this has had everything to do with the emancipation of the mind. Over the past 40 years, mainland China has gone through three stages of the emancipation of the mind. The first was the great debate over whether "practice is the only yardstick by which to test truth" in 1979. The second was the great debate over "capitalism or socialism" after Deng Xiaoping's southern visits in 1992. The third happened at the turn of the century, when the nation debated "whether the benefits of joining the WTO outweigh the drawbacks" before its WTO membership. It has been repeatedly shown that China went through the virtuous cycle of "the emancipation of the mind", "Reform and Opening Up" and "economic growth" every time.

It is noteworthy that the several rounds of mind emancipation mentioned above were invariably the results of domestic and international problems. China's economic development has now hit a bottleneck with obvious downward trends. All the economic and social risk factors are converging, particularly the spectre of the full containment by the US and the Western world. To get out of the predicament through ambitious reform and opening up, it is necessary for China to muster the courage with which it joined the WTO in 2001.

Last week Xi described Reform and Opening Up as the "Second Revolution". His speech tomorrow in the commemorative ceremony will be keenly looked forward to.

改革開放40 中國面臨再出發



正如1991年諾貝爾經濟學獎得主高斯(Ronald Coase)所言,中國的改革開放是二戰以後人類歷史上最為成功的經濟改革運動,中國經濟的發展無法用西方制度經濟學來解釋,其成功是「人類行為的意外後果」(the unintended consequences of human action)。的而且確,在所有社會主義國家的轉型中,中國既未如蘇聯般解體崩潰,亦未如東歐國家般完全轉向資本主義,更未如古巴、朝鮮等國陷入貧窮孤立的窘境,創立社會主義公有制同商品經濟兼容的經驗,是中國的獨一無二創舉。所以說,中國過去40年的經驗是十分獨特,甚至可以說是獨一無二的。




