2018年5月8日 星期二

官商勾結須嚴防 因噎廢食沒必要

<轉載自201858 明報 社評>


公私合作惹垂涎 收回土地有難度






政府須借體制外力量 公正機制防官商勾結



Ways to prevent government-business collusion

THE BIG DEBATE on land supply involves eighteen options, of which one is to develop private New Territories (NT) agricultural land. It is a short- to mid-term option that has provoked much controversy. The government wants to have private NT agricultural land developed by way of public-private partnership (PPP). However, many are worried that advantage transfers may occur — that a situation may arise in which developers will certainly make piles of money while there is no telling how ordinary citizens will benefit. From the government's perspective, PPP is "speedy, sleek and proper" and, unlike invoking the Lands Resumption Ordinance, unlikely to incur legal risks. But it is not for nothing for citizens to be worried about government-business collusion.

Recently many have suggested that the authorities should consider invoking the Lands Resumption Ordinance to take back private NT agricultural land held by developers. It may somehow mollify citizens to do so, but it is necessary first to think clearly whether this way is workable and how pricey it may prove. Under the Ordinance, the government may resume private land as long as it offers reasonable compensation, but a key proviso is that it intends to do so for public purposes. Since Hong Kong reverted to Chinese sovereignty, it has occasionally used this "almighty instrument" to resume land mainly for the purpose of building public facilities, preventing flood or doing what should be done in connection with urban renewal projects. There are few cases of taking back land for putting up public housing. It is of course not hard for the government to resume several sites for building schools or suchlike, but it is another matter to resume tracts of NT land which developers hold.

The government may invoke the Ordinance to take back pieces of land on the grounds that they are needed for producing public housing. However, it is actually impossible for the authorities to use all the NT land taken back for producing public housing. If all the land the government has taken back is not used for building public housing or public facilities, developers will certainly launch legal challenges. Such complicated litigation is very likely to drag on for more than a decade. In theory, it is open to the government to resume large tracts of land held by developers and at the same time to seek PPP. However, that is like the government trying to plan something big together with developers whom it is battling against. It is very doubtful that developers would buy that.

Citizens are unhappy about real-estate hegemony, and they do not want the land development initiative in developers' hands. The authorities' first priority is to make sure that PPP projects will prove genuinely "win-win" — that no situation would arise in which developers would get all the advantages and ordinary citizens benefit only minimally.

It takes more than one cold day to freeze three chi of ice. Allegations of government-business collusion have indeed gained much credence. To make PPP workable, the government must seek the assistance of extra-establishment forces, set up approval and policy-making mechanisms that are fair and transparent, lay down clear rules and guidelines and properly deal with questions of advantage distribution (such as arrangements for premium payments and the provision of infrastructure). One way in which the government can win citizens' trust is for it to set up a statutory PPP authority, leave it to extra-establishment figures who have credibility to take charge of the whole thing, and ask knowledgeable public officers and private citizens to sit on the authority so that PPP arrangements can be dealt with in accordance with the principle of fairness and openness and, as a result, none will suspect PPP means advantage transfers. This is well worth the government's consideration.

官商勾結須嚴防 因噎廢食沒必要






