<轉載自2018年5月15日 明報 社評>
內地購票採用實名制 兩地售票系統未接通
香港與內地售票系統未能接通, 與內地採用實名制有密切關係。旅客除了可以在內地任何一個聯網售票車站購買「異地票」,也可以透過網上系統訂票,問題是內地幾乎所有網上服務,諸如開設銀行戶口等,都必須提供內地手機號碼,實名申請,港人北上慣用的一卡兩號,由於不是實名登記,無法派上用場。以網上訂購高鐵車票為例,本港旅客需要先在內地官網開設帳戶,輸入姓名資料固然必須用簡體字,之後還要攜帶證件,親到內地車站辦理驗證手續,訂購系統也不接受「車站取票時才付款」,使用者需要一早設定好以支付寶、內地網上銀行戶口,又或本港指定銀聯雙幣信用卡付款。
換位思考互惠互利 兩地交流樹立標竿
Difference in ticketing system is a test to be faced in the course of
THE Hong Kong section of the Express Rail Link (XRL) is expected to go
into operation in September, and the ticketing arrangements have been
disclosed. The MTR will be selling cross-border tickets for trips between Hong
Kong and 18 destinations on the mainland. However, to go to other cities on the
mainland, passengers will have to pay a service fee to an agent or purchase the
ticket at mainland stations. To some extent this arrangement reflects that the
interactions and integration between Hong Kong and the mainland will inevitably
be affected by the differences in the systems and the ways things are run in
the two regions. The central government has recently mentioned mutual respect,
putting oneself in the other's shoes, respecting two systems, and letting Hong
Kong people have a sense of gain when talking about exchange and cooperation
between Hong Kong and the mainland. The ticketing arrangement of the XRL is an
example of the many difficulties faced in the course of integration. Concerned
authorities in both regions should do their best to remove restrictions and
reduce barriers by adhering to the principle of mutual benefit and reciprocity.
When the XRL Hong Kong section begins to operate, there will be 28
ticketing counters in the West Kowloon Terminal concourse where tickets can be
purchased and collected. Five counters will be reserved for selling tickets of
mainland routes of which Hong Kong is neither the departure station nor the
destination (also known as "remote tickets"). These counters will be
used by mainland operators to serve passengers who want to book "remote
tickets" and a service fee will be charged. According to the MTR,
"remote tickets" cannot be sold at the West Kowloon Terminal because
the mainland and Hong Kong have two different ticketing systems.
The fact that the MTR company has started to manage expectations so
early shows that they are aware that the scenario is far from ideal. However,
the problem has arisen because of the difference in the specific operation of
the ticketing systems in Hong Kong and the mainland under one country, two
systems. It could be seen as a test that will appear sooner or later in the
course of strengthening exchange and integration between the two sides. The
problem of "remote tickets" should be dealt with practically. The SAR
government should negotiate with the mainland to find out whether it is really
impossible to overcome the technical problem in terms of the incompatibility
between the ticketing systems of the two sides.
The central government has been urging Hong Kong and Macao to integrate into
the country's overall development. It has been vigorously promoting the
construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and supporting
the idea that Hong Kong and Macao residents who reside on the mainland should
gradually enjoy "national treatment". These show that the central
government wants to make it more convenient for Hong Kong people who go north
for further development. To resolve conflicts and to overcome obstructions in
the course of the integration between Hong Kong and the mainland, coordination
at the national level may sometimes be necessary. Recently Zhang Xiaoming, the
director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, has
quoted leaders in the central government on 4 points of instruction on the exchange
and cooperation between the mainland and Hong Kong. They include: respecting
two systems while emphasising one country; mutual respect and putting oneself
in the other's shoes; listen more to the opinions of the two SAR governments;
attaching importance to improving people's livelihood so that the citizens have
a concrete sense of gain. Although the XRL's arrangement regarding "remote
tickets" is a minor issue, it will nevertheless be a measure that brings
convenience and advantage to the people if the ticketing systems of the two
sides can be connected.
Sources said that the MTR had requested the China Railway Corporation to
authorise it to sell "remote tickets" in Hong Kong but to no avail.
If the technical problem or the question of cost is too difficult,
"putting oneself in the shoes of the other", Hong Kong should not, of
course, force itself on the mainland. However, depending on the specific
circumstances, the SAR government can also see if there is anything that needs
coordination from the central government.
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