<轉載自2017年11月23日 明報 社評>
科技創新方興未艾 強者愈強財富集中
股市與實體經濟脫節 財富不均恐變本加厲
最近瑞信一項研究顯示,金融海嘯以來,全球財富增加逾兩成半,過去一年增幅尤其強勁,達到6.4%,是5年來最快,一大原因是股市和樓價上升,可是財富增長分配並不平均,全球不足一成人佔去了86%財富。海嘯後,美國人的工資增長相當緩慢,直至近兩三年家庭收入中位數才有顯著增長,然而有學者分析,海嘯後美國財富不均變本加厲,只有高收入家庭「收復失地」,2016年財富中位數較海嘯前增長一成;相比之下,去年低收入和中等收入家庭的財富中位數,較2007年分別低了四成和三成多。不少美國以至本港投資者都憧憬,特朗普落實稅務改革,可刺激股市再升,可是著名經濟學家薩克斯(Jeffrey Sachs)痛斥,稅改方案如同是「富人向窮人開戰」,勢令財富不均惡化。
What has the Index got to do with us?
THE Hang Seng Index (HSI) rose above the 30,000 barrier again after a
decade. Some large investment banks even predict that it would rise to 32,000
by the end of next year. The rising trend of HSI in recent months has largely
been driven by leading technology shares such as Tencent Holdings. Unlike the
dot-com bubble which burst 20 years ago, the situation of technology shares
nowadays is supported by solid performance and real profit. In Hong Kong as
well as in the US, many investors have high hopes about the new economy.
However, the surge of the stock prices does not mean that the real economy or
ordinary people would definitely benefit from it.
The current bull market is shored up mainly by the great expectations
placed on the new economy. The surge of Hong Kong stock prices in recent months
involved only a few technology shares, such as Tencent. The property and bank
share prices have risen moderately. Some analysts mention the current situation
in the same breath with the dot-com bubble between 1999 and 2000. However, most
leading technology conglomerates nowadays are supported with solid performance
and profit. They are completely different from the dot-com and technology
shares that only sold empty concepts in those years. Take the case of Ping An
Insurance. Its share price has been rising steadily this year. It has won the
favour of investors because it has been tapping innovative technology
proactively to enhance its competitiveness.
US stocks have continued to hit new highs throughout this year,
bolstered mainly by technology shares as well. The development of the new
economy is not yet in full swing, but it is run by the logic of "the
winner taking all". The robust growth of large technology and internet
shares provides support to the continued stock surge. However, as the strong have
become even stronger, wealth will also become more and more concentrated.
Historical data shows that a bullish stock market does not mean that the
lower-class people would benefit from it. In contrast to the overall rising
trend of the S&P 500 index, the rise in the wage level in the US has slowed
down over the last four decades. According to a recent research by Credit
Suisse, global wealth has increased by 25 per cent since the financial tsunami.
The growth was especially robust last year. It was 6.4 per cent, the highest
growth rate in the last five years. The main factor is that the stock market
and property prices have gone up. However, distribution of the growth of wealth
is far from even. Fewer than 10 per cent of the world population owns 86 per
cent of the wealth around the globe.
Since the financial tsunami in 2008, the rise of the American wages has
been rather slow. It was only in the last couple of years that the median
family income showed some significant growth. However, according to some
scholars, uneven distribution of wealth after the financial crisis has
worsened. Only families in the high-income group have recovered their losses.
In 2016, their median wealth was 10 per cent more than their wealth before the
financial crisis. On the other hand, the median wealth of low-income families
and that of middle-income families in 2016 was 40 percent and 30-odd per cent
less than their median wealth in 2007.
Back to Hong Kong. People in the lower social strata do not seem to be
benefiting from the thriving asset market. In 2008, Hong Kong's Gini
coefficient was about 0.53. It has now climbed to 0.539, which is the highest
over the last 45 years. In spite of the effervescent stock and property
markets, consumption level in Hong Kong has not shown significant growth.
Salary surveys anticipate an average salary rise of only 3.5 per cent next year
for 50 per cent of the companies. After adjusting for inflation, there is very
little real wage increase. And the prospects of most industries do not look
bright. No wonder some netizens say that, if one owns neither Tencent shares
nor property, one is left only with a hopeless sigh!
恒指三萬資產盛宴 窮人感嘆與我何干