<轉載自2017年11月2日 明報 社評>
劃清底線先求治標 立法避免設追溯期
滋事者變本加厲 恐逼香港入死角
Common sense needed in National Anthem legislation
THE National People's Congress Standing Committee is to adopt a motion
this week to include the newly passed National Anthem Law into Annex III to the
Basic Law. The law will be enacted in Hong Kong through local legislation.
Anyone who insults the national anthem intentionally in public places will face
criminal charges.
In early September the National People's Congress Standing Committee
adopted the National Anthem Law, which stipulates that it is illegal to tamper
with the melody and lyrics of the national anthem in public places, play or
sing the national anthem in a disparaging way, and insult the national anthem
in other ways. According to the newly proposed criminal amendment act, serious
cases of insulting the national anthem are punishable by up to three years of
imprisonment. The National People's Congress also mentioned that there had been
several incidents of people disrespecting the national anthem in recent years,
which threatened the principle of "one country, two systems" and Hong
Kong's social norms. The National People's Congress said that there was an
urgent and practical need for the SAR government to implement the National
Anthem Law through legislation by itself.
Some commentators in Hong Kong said that the National Anthem legislation
would be "palliative", as it failed to give proper regard to the
"deep-seated political reasons" behind the booing of the national
anthem. Of course no one is so naive as to think that the government can
promote people's sense of national identity through legal means. No doubt the
insult of the national anthem reflects a political issue. But the major effect
of enacting the National Anthem Ordinance through local legislation is to draw
a clear red line and illustrate what kind of behaviour is unacceptable. As the
National People's Congress Standing Committee has said, the goal is to prevent
and deal with such behaviour effectively through National Anthem legislation.
That it is difficult to get to the root of the problem does not mean that it is
not necessary to take stopgap measures.
Hong Kong people are concerned about two things when it comes to the
local legislation of the National Anthem Law — the strictness of the law, and
whether the law is retroactive. Hong Kong is run under the "one country,
two systems" policy, so it is unnecessary and impossible to transplant the
National Anthem Law in mainland China in its entirety into Hong Kong. The
National Flag and National Emblem Ordinance is already part of Hong Kong's
laws, under which anyone who openly insults the national flag and national
emblem will have committed a criminal offense and can face a maximum fine of
$50,000 and three years in prison. The ordinance can serve as the reference
point in the National Anthem legislation.
Hong Kong has a trustworthy legal system. As long as the clauses are not
too ambiguous, there is no reason to think that the courts do not know how to
determine reasonably whether an action is intentional and insulting. Some
people are concerned about the case in which football fans insult the national
anthem collectively during a football match, arguing that there will be a lot
of confusion that makes the law unenforceable. They are skeptical about whether
it is possible to enforce the law. But we are convinced that as long as the
clauses of the National Anthem Law are clearly written, the police can
theoretically use TV footage or video clips taken by mobile phones as evidence and
arrest and charge these people, just as they did during the Mong Kok riot.
There are also people who believe that the National Anthem law should be
retroactive to achieve immediate deterrent effects. This is not the sensible
thing to do. Hong Kong has a common law system, and its criminal laws are not
retroactive. It is unfair for the National Anthem Law to be retroactive when
the penalties are not clear yet. It is true that the National People's
Congress, as the highest organ of power of the country, has the authority to
stipulate that the National Anthem Law is retroactive. But if it does so, it
will in all likelihood damage Hong Kong people's confidence in "One
country, two systems", and that will not be a good thing to Hong Kong.
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