<轉載自2017年9月5日 明報 社評>
朝鮮宣布成功測試氫彈,威力之大足以瞬間夷平一座城市,標誌朝鮮已擁有強大核子震懾力,韓國政府相信朝鮮已成功將核彈微型化,可以由洲際導彈發射。半世紀前中國成功發展「雙彈一星」的歷史,今時今日在朝鮮半島重演,再爭論朝鮮核武器是否可靠、是否有能力攻擊美國本土,否認朝鮮是核武國家,只是自欺欺人。今次核試成為改變東北亞博弈規則的分水嶺(game changer),雖然觸發戰爭風險仍然不大,然而有可能在區內引發連鎖效應,中美俄必須借鑑歷史,審慎處理,否則只會令東北亞更趨動盪。
朝鮮擁核貨真價實 中美需阻連鎖效應
雖然美國總統特朗普沒有排除動武,不過美國攻打朝鮮的機率仍然相當低。誠然,朝鮮核武數量有限,按照核震懾軍事理論,並未具有「第二擊」(second strike)的核子報復能力,然而就算美國先發制人,以「外科手術式打擊」摧毀朝鮮大部分核設施,甚或擊殺金正恩,也不能阻止朝鮮報復,以密集火炮和常規武器將首爾變成火海;至於美軍全面入侵朝鮮的可能更是零,華府不可能冒險挑起一場核戰。
當年接受中國擁核 美國必須面對現實
A,不應輕言放棄,惟事態發展至今,各方恐怕都要有兩手準備,接受朝鮮擁有核武的現實,一如當年接受中國擁核一樣。朝鮮漠視聯合國要求,必須懲罰制裁,然而若要釜底抽薪,美國還須與朝鮮展開談判,避免輕舉妄動刺激地區軍事形勢,更不能容許區內盟友染指核武。華府繼續向中國打主意,威脅制裁與朝鮮有生意來往的中國企業,不會令平壤放棄核武,只會加劇中美摩擦,令朝鮮漁人得利。中美俄需要盡快磋商框架,令東北亞局勢穩定下來,防止連鎖效應失控,同時研究是否需要有Plan B﹕如何令朝鮮成為一個負責任的核武國家。
Plan B needed as
hydrogen bomb has upset strategic balance in Northeastern Asia
THE North Korean government has announced that it successfully tested a
hydrogen bomb powerful enough to raze a city to the ground within seconds,
signalling that North Korea is now a country with great nuclear deterrents. The
South Korean government believes that North Korea has found success in
miniaturising its nuclear warheads and fitting them to an intercontinental
ballistic missile.
In the past, whenever North Korea conducted a nuclear test or test
launched its missiles, the US government and experts in the western world would
shrug it off and argue that the tests had ended in failure. This time around,
the tremors caused by the North Korea nuclear test were equivalent to a
6.3-magnitude earthquake, and were ten times as powerful as those from the previous
nuclear test. There is a consensus among US military experts that it is
necessary to assume that North Korea is indeed equipped with hydrogen bombs.
Looking back at the paths taken by the US, the Soviet Union and China in their
development of nuclear weapons, we can see that the three countries largely
possessed hydrogen bomb technology after their respective fifth nuclear tests.
As North Korea has just conducted its sixth nuclear test and has successfully
detonated a hydrogen bomb, the development, from the perspective of nuclear
science, is not very surprising.
In recent years, North Korea has been determined to develop nuclear
weapons, and is no longer in a "relationship sealed in blood" with
China. North Korea detonated a hydrogen bomb just when China was hosting the
BRICS summit, showing complete disregard for China. The Chinese foreign
ministry condemned the nuclear test in strong terms and lodged stern complaints
to North Korea's embassy in Beijing — just as how it reacted to North Korea's
nuclear tests in the past. This shows that the Beijing authorities still
incline to act prudently, so much so it is questionable whether there will be
tougher actions from them. Early this year, China proposed a
"double-freeze" strategy, calling on the US to resume dialogue with
North Korea — and even provide it with aids — in exchange for North Korea
halting its nuclear tests and ballistic missile tests. Some American experts
also believed that the proposal was worth consideration. But the White House
missed the opportunity to do so. Now that North Korea has successfully
detonated a hydrogen bomb, it is only a matter of time before North Korea
possess intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of hitting US soil
directly. Such being the case, there is much less the "double-freeze"
proposal can achieve. The most it can do is prevent North Korea from
test-launching its intercontinental missiles. It cannot change the fact that
North Korea now possesses hydrogen bomb technology.
Though US president Donald Trump has not ruled out the possibility of a
military operation, it is still very unlikely that the US will strike North
Korea. True, due to the limited number of its nuclear weapons, North Korea,
according to theories of nuclear deterrence, does not have the ability to carry
out a "second strike", i.e. to retaliate against a nuclear attack
with one of its own. However, even if the US launches a pre-emptive attack,
destroys most of North Korea's nuclear weapons "surgically" or even
takes Kim Jong Un's life, it will not be able to prevent North Korea's reprisal
— turning Seoul into a sea of fire with heavy artillery fire and conventional
weapons. The possibility of an all-out invasion of North Korea is zero, as the
White House cannot afford starting a nuclear war.
If the White House continues to take advantage of China by threatening
to slap sanctions on Chinese enterprises that do business with North Korea, it
will not be able to make North Korea give up its nuclear weapons. It will only
intensify Sino-US disagreements, and North Korea will profit from the
situation. China, the US and Russia should negotiate a framework as soon as
possible to stabilise the situation in Northeastern Asia and prevent things
from spiralling out of control. They should also study the necessity of a Plan
B — making North Korea a responsible nuclear-armed country.
國際社會需要Plan B
雖然美國總統特朗普沒有排除動武,不過美國攻打朝鮮的機率仍然相當低。誠然,朝鮮核武數量有限,按照核震懾軍事理論,並未具有「第二擊」(second strike)的核子報復能力,然而就算美國先發制人,以「外科手術式打擊」摧毀朝鮮大部分核設施,甚或擊殺金正恩,也不能阻止朝鮮報復,以密集火炮和常規武器將首爾變成火海;至於美軍全面入侵朝鮮的可能更是零,華府不可能冒險挑起一場核戰。
華府繼續向中國打主意,威脅制裁與朝鮮有生意來往的中國企業,不會令平壤放棄核武,只會加劇中美摩擦,令朝鮮漁人得利。中美俄需要盡快磋商框架,令東北亞局勢穩定下來,防止連鎖效應失控,同時研究是否需要有Plan B﹕如何令朝鮮成為一個負責任的核武國家。