2017年9月7日 星期四

滿足居住非為炒賣 「首置盤」可成試金石

<轉載自201797 明報 社評>


「首置盤」不與市價掛鈎 定價轉售機制成關鍵




發揮協助儲蓄角色 避免有人濫用政策



''Starter Homes'' scheme — a touchstone of the housing policy
A scheme for local first-time homebuyers has begun to take shape. Carrie Lam, the Chief Executive, has said that the flats under the scheme are aimed at helping young families acquire home ownership, and will be more affordable. To this end, the government will find new sources of land rather than target land already earmarked for public housing.
Flats to be sold under the scheme will be modest in both floor area and design. Carrie Lam says it is aimed at helping young couples who "have just finished their studies and are earning a decent salary" but are unable to buy their own flats in the private property market. Such being the case, flats under the scheme can be priced based on a basket of factors including the median income of these people and the interest rates. This can ensure that they can afford the apartments. As flats under the scheme will be priced rather cheaply, there should be strict limitations on its trading to prevent speculation. If the flats, whose offering prices are not directly pegged to market prices, are allowed to change hands at prices linked to market values or through a premium, it will only promote speculation and defeat the original purposes. The government should find a way to ensure that the turnover of the flats will not give rise to another speculative market. Prohibiting these flats from being traded in a free market or to parties apart from the government is an option the government can consider. But such regulations must be well-thought-out to prevent any undesirable outcome.
The greatest importance of unpegging the selling prices of flats under the scheme from market prices is to accentuate the fact that these flats are not investment vehicles — their purpose is to satisfy people's housing needs. Carrie Lam has also mentioned that one of the functions of the government is to provide people with an opportunity to put down roots, while treating housing as a commodity and encouraging people to buy and sell them in the market and make profits is not a role the government has to play. The "Starter Homes" scheme is aimed at correcting the deficiencies of the property ladder. When in the future owners determine that, as their income is rising and housing supply is increasing, they are now capable of buying flats in the private market, the government can in fact consider the scheme a "saving plan" for owners. In this case, the purchase of a flat under the scheme is no different from making a fixed-term deposit — it enables the buyer to save up. When he buys a new flat from the private market, he sells the one he is living back to the government. The buy-back price for the flat is determined by the economy and overall property situation, and as such can be a little bit higher than the initial selling price. By doing so the government takes into consideration inflation and encourages home owners under the scheme to move up the property ladder. This prevents the problem of people occupying inexpensive flats and gaming the housing subsidy system.
Yesterday the Task Force on Land Supply held its first meeting, during which members said that there were now at least twelve land supply options. They will explain to the public these options in detail as well as their respective strengths and drawbacks. The task force plans to conduct a public consultation exercise early next year, will then write a proposal and submit it to the government before the end of next year. It is still unclear how the task force will "achieve a consensus", and it is doubtful whether the government can reconcile the demands of different vested interests. But we have no time to lose to increase land supply. The government should initiate this big debate adhering to the principles of openness and transparency, while all sides of society should practically focus on the issue instead of wasting time on endless ideological arguments.
滿足居住非為炒賣 「首置盤」可成試金石


