2015年1月21日 星期三

公屋營運需新思維 綠表置居可助解困

<轉載自2015121 明報 社評>



公屋租戶 「超穩定」靠納稅人保持營運





售價應該有吸引力 轉售須合港人胃口




Scheme to encourage home ownership

IN DELIVERING his policy address, Chief Executive (CE) Leung Chun-ying mentioned a pilot scheme for selling flats in the Housing Authority's (HA's) public rental housing (PRH) developments to Green Form people (those who live in PRH and those who have passed the detailed vetting and are due for flat allocation). On the face of it, such a scheme may further improve the housing ladder and make PRH units available to families on the PRH waiting list.

Public housing affairs are political. There are now about 20,000 well-off PRH tenants. For various reasons, they would rather pay market rents or what is one and a half or two times the normal rents than move out or buy Home Ownership Scheme (HOS) flats and surrender their PRH units. Furthermore, because of the mechanism under which PRH rents may go up or come down, the HA does not derive sufficient income from PRH rents for operating the PRH system. It must therefore be heavily subsidised. These two aspects of the PRH system do not seem right, but the authorities have no political clout at all to rectify them. The reason is that political parties and politicians rely so much on the huge numbers of PRH voters for their power that the authorities cannot possibly touch PRH tenants' interests in any manner.

In short, PRH tenants are now in a "super-stable" state maintained with an uninterrupted flow of money from the public purse. The HA subsidises the management and maintenance of PRH units. That costs it $2,200 a unit a year, or about $1.6 billion a year, there being 760,000 PRH units in the territory. The HA's finances are in poor shape, but it must keep putting up PRH. That is why the government has had to inject money into a public housing reserve fund. The HA, which is hard up for money, keeps producing PRH units. It is the government and ultimately the taxpayer that must foot the bill.

A pilot scheme along the lines the CE mentioned in his policy address holds out a possibility. If it is successfully implemented, at least the number of PRH tenants will increase less steeply. Its "one-for-one" feature would boost PRH circulation. Furthermore, if such a scheme is in place, the HA can recoup some money and use it to produce PRH. It may not be able to produce a unit for each unit sold, but money recouped is "living water". Such a scheme may help ease the financial burden on the HA and make the PRH system continuously operable.

An aspect of such a scheme that has aroused controversy is that it would allow PRH tenants to get "double benefit". This is the case. However, it would lead to a similar situation to allow Green Form people to buy HOS flats, and it is more important to boost the circulation of PRH resources, improve further the housing ladder and ease the financial burden on the HA. If people insist that the problem should be dealt with absolutely squarely, there will be little hope of overcoming the difficulty. It is a graver concern whether the pricing and resale arrangements of such a scheme and other necessary measures would induce Green Form people to give up their PRH units in favour of those offered under it.

In short, such a scheme may help ease the public housing difficulty if it is successfully implemented and will conceivably gain wide support and acceptance if suitable arrangements are made.

公屋營運需新思維 綠表置居可助解困







