2017年5月4日 星期四

記取六七暴動教訓 行事不唯上忌空想

<轉載自201754 明報 社評>
社會矛盾埋下禍根 文革開潘朵拉盒子
六七暴動既有內因,亦有外因。1960年代香港紡織及成衣等製造業發展蓬勃,惟社會基層卻存在大批飽受剝削的低薪工人。警察貪污腐敗、貧富懸殊加劇、社會缺乏廉價醫療服務,無不加深民怨,為反英反殖提供了發展土壤;至於內地文革爆發,則成為引發反英鬥爭的導火線。文革研究權威馬若德(Roderick MacFarquhar)曾表示,人們對文革的最大誤解,是以為它純粹是一場權鬥,他指出毛澤東的目的,並非僅僅去除劉少奇等「欠缺革命性」的領導人,而是「真心希望實現舉國上下鬧革命的瘋狂想法」,把壓在人民頭上的官僚機器打碎。文革浩劫禍國殃民,然而當年毛澤東的確憑着理想主義,以及年輕人自幼對他的個人崇拜,鼓動千萬人投身革命造反之列,餘波所及牽連港澳。不少參與六七暴動的年輕人,都是滿懷理想主義,希望反抗不公義的政府。
揣摩上意盲從附和 理想變空想極危險
Lesson drawn from 1967 riots
IN May 1967, Hong Kong leftists, influenced by the ultra-leftist thought connected with the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (GPCR) on the mainland, started a struggle against Britain. The struggle turned into riots, in which radicals carried out bomb attacks. The riots did not end until Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai (as he then was) said the wave of bomb attacks should end. It is fifty years since then, but the mark they left on Hong Kong has yet to vanish. Struggles in Hong Kong have in recent years become radical and violent. That has aroused much debate and brought back many's memories of the 1967 riots. Hong Kong saw those riots at a particular time and in particular circumstances. It is hardly right to mention in the same breath what happened then and what is happening or judge what happened then by present-day standards.
No outsider can readily tell whether the leftist leaders started the "anti-Britain counter-brutality" movement because they wanted to show their political loyalty to those in power during the GPCR or because they genuinely believed the time was ripe for fighting against the British. The only thing one is certain about is that their struggle soon came to a dead end. Lacking outsiders' support and vigorously bashed and squeezed by the government, those in the leftist camp had no way out. They fondly believed they could make a breakthrough with violence and bomb attacks. They little knew that would make them repugnant to the mainstream, cause their struggle to end in failure and cost the whole community dearly.
During the 1967 riots, some were opportunistic. They tried to figure out what their superiors intended, misjudged the situation and wrongly believed they would be so vigorously supported by outside forces that "the Hong Kong British authorities would certainly lose and we would certainly win". Others blindly agreed with and followed their leaders and did whatever they told them to do. Still others were idealistic and sincere and thought themselves to be infallible. Believing what they did was just and they would certainly defeat darkness, they were reckless of consequences. Those people made all sorts of mistakes. However, in the final analysis, they erred because they, divorced from reality and unable to think independently, calmly or analytically, thought what they fondly wished to happen would happen. It takes idealism and courage to push for social reforms. But those who are foolhardy rather than courageous and harbour fantasies rather than ideals are liable to be used by people who have selfish motives and may become rather dangerous. In talking about Mao Zedong's ultra-leftist ideas, Feng Youlan, a famous philosopher who is dead, described the GPCR as its ultimate embodiment. Its absurdity lies in the fact that it is purely "utopian communism". In short, those who subscribe to such ideas are in no way materialistic and in every way idealistic, and they blindly believe will can defeat anything. The 1967 riots, which happened as a result of the influence of the ultra-leftist trend of thought connected with the GPCR, similarly smacked of utopianism. Nothing is clearer than this because, though Zhou Enlai repeatedly stressed in the first days of the anti-Britain struggle he was against using force in Hong Kong and the struggle ought to be carried out on just grounds and with restraint, when they suffered setbacks in the struggle, the leftists who led it fondly believed they could shake the regime with home-made bombs and it was the only way to harm the Hong Kong British authorities to carry out bomb attacks and wilfully called on people to "take up arms" and get on the road of no return called violence.
Chen Yun, an elder of the Communist Party of China who is dead, stressed that "one should heed totally only facts, not things said by one's superiors or in books". What he meant is that one must not blindly follow authorities or heed theoretical doctrines and should believe only facts. Those who do not solely heed what their superiors say do not try to figure out their superiors' intentions and can think independently and make reasoned judgements in the light of actualities. Those who can distinguish between fantasies and ideals are of course incapable of deceiving themselves or others. They can sagaciously pursue their goals on just grounds and with restraint on the basis of the situation.
記取六七暴動教訓 行事不唯上忌空想


