2014年10月27日 星期一

黨大法大未有定論 依法治國易成空談

<轉載自20141027 明報 社評>







法治教育長年匱乏 地方官員干預司法


Is Party above law?

THE CURTAIN has been brought down on the 4th plenum of the Communist Party of China. It drew attention as long as it lasted because "running the country in accordance with the law" was high on its agenda. The communique of it says it was decided at the plenum that the Party should accomplish six tasks: to enforce the constitution more vigorously, to speed up building a law-abiding government, to increase judicial credibility, to raise the people's awareness of the rule of law, to make efforts to put together a force of law officers and to ensure "the leadership of the Party". The sixth task has drawn more attention than any of the other five. However, unless the relationship between the Party and the judiciary is exactly defined, there can be no judicial independence, and it may be idle to talk about "running the country in accordance with the law", however splendidly the first five tasks may be accomplished.

The Committee of Political and Legislative Affairs of the Central Committee is a Party organ rather than a government department. Meng Jianzhu, who sits on the Politburo, is now Secretary of it. Its members include President of the Supreme People's Court Zhou Qiang and Procurator-General Cao Jianming. Though the judiciary and the procuratorate are supposed to be independent, their heads are under Meng's command.

The Party controls law officers. This actually has to do with the fact that the Party has yet to make it clear whether it is above the law or subordinate to the law. This question has long remained unanswered. In 1985, a Hong Kong journalist put it to Peng Zhen, who was then Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. He said frankly, "Even I am not sure." Nearly three decades has now elapsed, but it is not clearly answered in the communique of the 4th plenum. The communique just stresses the leadership of the Party and says it is necessary to make effort to put together a force of socialist law officers that are loyal to the Party, the country, the people and the law. As the Party comes before any other, nothing clear is likely to come out of any discussion at this moment.

The mainland authorities are supposed to uphold the rule of law, but they have over the years been criticised for not abiding by the law. Things in certain localities are particularly bad. This has to do with the fact that little has been done to educate the people about the rule of law. However, a main reason why things have rapidly worsened is that the bureaucracy has remained as it was a long time ago. Party and government officials control organs of the law. That is why the administration of justice has often been interfered in. This being the case, it is hard to protect the judiciary from interference, still more supervise the administration of justice. The 4th plenum drew much attention because people hoped the country would actually be run in accordance with the law and the judiciary would become truly independent. Since he took office, Xi Jinping has seemed vigorous in cracking down on corruption. Corrupt officials have been caught. However, though the Party keeps talking about "running the country in accordance with the law", it is faced with a myth that has been in existence for decades - that it is above the law. Let Chinese people watch if it will succeed.

黨大法大未有定論 依法治國易成空談





