<轉載自2014年12月18日 明報
曾蔭權湯顯明兩事未決 影響廉署形象市民評價
曾蔭權和湯顯明涉及的不當情事,分別在2012年和2013年被揭發,當局已證實對他們開展刑事調查,但是案件歷時約兩年,當局迄今尚未交代如何處理。在這個背景下,香港廉潔程度在國際的排名卻持續下跌,本月初公布的國際反貪腐組織「透明國際」(Transparency International)2014年清廉印象指數,香港在全球175個國家和地區中排名第17,較去年的第15下跌兩位。這是排名第三年下跌,亦是自1997年以來的17年新低,得分亦連續兩年滑落。除非國際對本港的廉潔情誤判,否則香港社會廉潔程度倒退,大概是難以爭辯的事實。
廉署亟須整飭內部 重顯捍衛廉潔決心
Confidence in ICAC
COMMISSION AGAINST CORRUPTION (ICAC) received over 10% fewer complaints between
January and November this year than it did in the same period of the previous
year. Last year the number of complaints filed with the ICAC was down 33% on
the year before last. This year it has again fallen sharply. Conceivably, the
number has plunged for two consecutive years because it has transpired that
officials controlling the government machine have been suspected of corruption
and those in charge of the ICAC have broken rules and regulations.
A host of data show it is not because incorruptibility
has gone up in Hong Kong or the authorities have taken such drastic measures
that citizens believe incorruptibility has dramatically improved but because
citizens no longer have confidence in the ICAC owing to certain factors that
the number of complaints about corruption has sharply fallen. The numerical change
began after Donald Tsang and Timothy Tong had been implicated in
irregularities. The image the ICAC once projected among the public has not yet
been restored. Conceivably, this has to do with the fact that it is not known
how the authorities will deal with the two affairs.
We gather that ICAC Commissioner Simon Peh and other ICAC
officers have vigorously contacted people from all quarters to reassure them
that the ICAC is determined to promote clean government and fight corruption.
They have done so with a view to rebuilding the graft buster's public image.
Judging from the latest complaint figures, their efforts do not seem to have
produced remarkable results. The reason is that the problem has not been tackled
at its root.
Take the Timothy Tong affair. The irregularities Timothy
Tong committed about entertainment, gift making and travel in the five years
when he was ICAC Commissioner are listed in the report of a Legislative Council
committee and that of an independent review committee headed by Chow
Chung-kong, Chairman of the ICAC Advisory Committee on Corruption. Furthermore,
it is pointed out in those reports that Timothy Tong acted not on his own but
with the assistance of other ICAC officers. Nevertheless, the Timothy Tong
affair has remained unsettled and the ICAC officers alleged to have assisted
Timothy Tong in his irregularities still keep their high positions. This being
the case, it is hard to convince the public the ICAC has thoroughly purged itself
of corruption.
Yesterday, four advisory committees supervising the ICAC
held a press conference. At it reporters repeatedly asked whether the fact that
neither the Donald Tsang case nor the Timothy Tong case had been dealt with
would affect the public's confidence in the ICAC. Chairman of the ICAC
Operations Review Committee Michael Sze did not directly answer that question.
He only said the ICAC would certainly deal with all complaints and there was no
fear of any case being "caused to disappear". He also said that ICAC
officials could not control the pace of investigation because some facts of
those cases had taken place outside Hong Kong and they had to work with
officers in other places and that it was up to the Department of Justice rather
than the ICAC to decide on the strength of evidence whether to institute
Systems are of course essential for combating corruption.
The reason is that, when there are rules, people are aware how they should
conduct themselves and know they must pay for their trespasses. However, human
factors are also important. When Timothy Tong was ICAC Commissioner, it was
because of human factors that the rules governing entertainment, gift making
and travel were not followed. It is a grave concern that some who assisted him
in his irregularities still hold high positions at the ICAC. The government
should have the courage and boldness to shake the ICAC up so that people will
see no factor in corruption in the graft buster and will again have confidence
that it is determined to uphold incorruptibility (part of our core values) and
keep Hong Kong corruption-free.
舉報貪污兩年持續銳減 市民對廉署信任未恢復