2018年6月25日 星期一

美國優先走火入魔 單邊主義為禍全球

<轉載自2018625 明報 社評>

美國上周以「對以色列存有偏見」及「無法有效保護人權」為由,宣布退出聯合國人權理事會。特朗普上台兩年來,美國已退出了伊朗核協議、應對氣候變化的《巴黎協定》和跨太平洋伙伴關係協議(TPP)、聯合國教科文組織、《全球移民協議》(Global Compact on Migration),美國又甘冒天下之大不韙,置聯合國128國投票反對於不顧,悍然將駐以色列大使館遷往以巴雙方有主權爭議的耶路撒冷,在在顯示在特朗普「美國優先」口號主導下,美國外交已在單邊主義的道路一意孤行,走火入魔。


與以色列關係千絲萬縷 迎合猶太人不惜犯眾怒




外交方針削理想色彩 政策逆轉影響極深遠


去年12月聯合國128個成員國投票反對美國承認耶路撒冷為以色列首都時,美國駐聯合國大使黑利(Nikki Haley)警告,「美國將記住這一天」,當時她那咬牙切齒的神情,給世界留下了深刻印象。特朗普今年2月也公開指摘世界貿易組織(WTO)是場「災難」(disaster),因為它「令美國幾乎無法做生意」。




"America first" shaking up the world order

LAST week the United States announced its withdrawal from the United Nations Human Rights Council, accusing the council of "bias against Israel" and "incapability to protect human rights effectively". Since President Trump took office two years ago, his administration has pulled the US out of the Iran nuclear deal, the Paris Agreement on climate change, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) and the Global Compact on Migration. It has even defied worldwide condemnation by moving the country's embassy in Israel to Jerusalem (over whose sovereignty Israel and Palestine have a long-standing dispute) despite 128 UN member states voting against the move. All these incidents have shown that US foreign policy makers, guided by Trump's doctrine in his "America first" slogan, are obstinately and obsessively going down the path of unilateralism.

Similar to its previous moves of quitting international organisations and agreements, not only has Washington's decision to exit from the United Nations Human Rights Council been criticised by the international community, but it has also been questioned by US political and academic circles as well as human rights organisations. The announcement of the decision has also coincided with the Trump administration's forceful separation of nearly 2,300 illegal immigrants from their children. That policy of detaining parents and kids separately has been criticised for ignoring the children's rights and harming their physical as well as psychological health. Not only has the latest exit tarnished the image of human rights in the US, but it is also tantamount to handing over the command flag of human rights upheld by previous US administrations. In fact, immediately after Washington's departure, Russia announced its candidacy for a seat on the United Nations Human Rights Council.

The dissolution of the Soviet Union led Washington to believe it had the opportunity of becoming a unipolar superpower. It attempted to construct a unipolar world ruled by the US and governed by western political and economic models and values, and to make the 21st century an "American century" dominated by the US. Both the government and mainstream opinions of the US perceived their country, with the greatest overall national strength in the world, as unquestionable and unchallengeable. Still, administrations before Trump all kept a two-pronged strategy, namely safeguarding the country's national interest while affirming its position as a global superpower at the same time. It followed that the national interest of the US also carried some echoes of idealism to a certain extent. That means while pursuing the national interest, the past US administrations also emphasised taking into consideration the common interest of the global community. They hoped to raise the international standing of the US by contributing a certain amount of common assets to the global community while fulfilling its national interest.

However, the moves taken by Trump after he took office have invariably diluted the idealist quality of the US's national interest. Under the big flag of "America first", the US has gone to extreme lengths to pursue its interests and demonstrated brazenly the colours of egoism. The administration has not even bothered to put on make-up. It has shown no concern for its appearance and unsightly manners. An article in The New York Times also points out that Trump is shaking up the foreign policy that Washington has followed for decades and is damaging the international order, or a set of rules-based global norms, established by the US in the aftermath of the Second World War.

美國優先走火入魔 單邊主義為禍全球

美國上周以「對以色列存有偏見」及「無法有效保護人權」為由,宣布退出聯合國人權理事會。特朗普上台兩年來,美國已退出了伊朗核協議、應對氣候變化的《巴黎協定》和跨太平洋伙伴關係協議(TPP)、聯合國教科文組織、《全球移民協議》(Global Compact on Migration),美國又甘冒天下之大不韙,置聯合國128國投票反對於不顧,悍然將駐以色列大使館遷往以巴雙方有主權爭議的耶路撒冷,在在顯示在特朗普「美國優先」口號主導下,美國外交已在單邊主義的道路一意孤行,走火入魔。




