2018年6月13日 星期三

特朗普要面子 金正恩贏裡子

<轉載自2018613 明報 社評>


無核化角力美國退讓 叫停軍演送朝鮮大禮

美朝聯合聲明要點有四,包括﹕1. 雙方承諾建立新的美朝關係;2. 兩國共同努力,在朝鮮半島建立永久穩定的和平機制;3. 朝鮮重申《板門店宣言》,承諾為朝鮮半島完全非核化努力;4. 美朝承諾致力尋回戰俘或失蹤士兵遺骸。撇開第4點,若將前3點歸納起來,其實就是中方主張的「雙軌並進」,既滿足美方要求朝鮮舉行棄核談判,又滿足平壤要求美國承諾保障安全。

峰會前特朗普不斷吹噓其「極限施壓」制裁策略,如何成功逼朝鮮來到談判桌。他的政治盟友朱利亞尼,還大力給特朗普臉上貼金,聲稱上月特朗普宣布取消「特金會」後,金正恩「跪地乞求」重開峰會,優勢完全在美國一方,云云。不過細看美朝聯合聲明,卻不禁令人懷疑, 雖然特朗普得到面子,然而金正恩才是贏了裡子。




落實雙暫停雙軌並進 中方藍圖主導新形勢


The Trump-Kim Summit

AFTER the historic summit between the US and North Korea, Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un published a joint declaration, seeking to establish a new relationship to pursue the "complete denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula". After a confrontation lasting for several decades, leaders of the two countries have finally engaged in dialogue. This signals that the situation on the Korean peninsula is showing signs of real de-escalation. As the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) steps out of isolation, the situation of Northeastern Asia is about to change. This summit might indeed increase Donald Trump's chances of winning a Nobel prize for peace. But the US has gained few real advantages. Not only does the joint declaration fail to state clearly the principle of "complete, verifiable, irreversible denuclearisation" (CVID) as demanded by the US, but Donald Trump has also called off the US's joint war games with South Korea. That Kim has successfully extracted a string of concessions from Donald Trump without offering too many compromises can be regarded as a major diplomatic victory.

The joint declaration made by the US and South Korea contains four main points: 1. Both sides commit to establish new US-DPRK relations; 2. Both countries will join their efforts to build a lasting and stable peace regime on the Korean Peninsula; 3. Reaffirming the April 27, 2018 Panmunjom Declaration, the DPRK commits to work toward complete denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula; 4. The US and the DPRK commit to recovering POW/MIA remains. The first three points can be summarised as the "double-track" approach proposed by the Chinese government, one that satisfies both the US's demand of denuclearisation talks and Pyongyang's demand of the US's guarantee of its security.

Before the summit took place, Donald Trump was boasting incessantly about his "maximum pressure" tactics and how they succeeded in forcing North Korea to return to the negotiating table. Rudy Giuliani, Trump's political ally, sang Trump's praises and claimed that when Trump announced the cancellation of the summit last month, Kim "got back on his hands and knees and begged" for the summit to be revived, that the US had all the advantages, etc. A closer look at the joint declaration, however, makes one feel that Trump might have won the respect, but it was Kim who was the winner in real terms.

The US and North Korea had fundamental differences over denuclearisation. The US, in an exorbitant demand, asked North Korea to adhere to the principle of CVID. Prior to the summit, it was understood that the US insisted that CVID should be in the joint declaration. But North Korea was opposed to the idea. At last CVID was nowhere to be seen in the joint declaration. What the declaration contains was the "complete denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula", as proposed in the Panmunjom Declaration. The first contest over "denuclearisation" ended with Washington not winning an advantage.

It is understood the Chinese government has eased its restrictions on trade with North Korea recently. Despite the US's claim that it will not lift the sanctions until North Korea denuclearises, it is difficult for Washington to advance the talks without giving North Korea some incentives. Trump might then have to acquiesce in the increased trade between China and North Korea that benefits the latter. Relations between China and North Korea have transformed from "an alliance sealed in blood" to a strategic alliance. To revive its economy and increase its bargaining chips when it negotiates with the US, Pyongyang might need China's help in the future.

特朗普要面子 金正恩贏裡子


美朝聯合聲明要點有四,包括﹕1. 雙方承諾建立新的美朝關係;2. 兩國共同努力,在朝鮮半島建立永久穩定的和平機制;3. 朝鮮重申《板門店宣言》,承諾為朝鮮半島完全非核化努力;4. 美朝承諾致力尋回戰俘或失蹤士兵遺骸。撇開第4點,若將前3點歸納起來,其實就是中方主張的「雙軌並進」,既滿足美方要求朝鮮舉行棄核談判,又滿足平壤要求美國承諾保障安全。

峰會前特朗普不斷吹噓其「極限施壓」制裁策略,如何成功逼朝鮮來到談判桌。他的政治盟友朱利亞尼,還大力給特朗普臉上貼金,聲稱上月特朗普宣布取消「特金會」後,金正恩「跪地乞求」重開峰會,優勢完全在美國一方,云云。不過細看美朝聯合聲明,卻不禁令人懷疑, 雖然特朗普得到面子,然而金正恩才是贏了裡子。



