2016年11月7日 星期一

習洪會熱後 拆解新天機

<轉載自2016117 明報 社評>
習近平給足洪秀柱面子 正面回應三目的一迴避
這三方面爭議,台灣朝野與民間各執一詞,在所必然,然而中共過去30年來都有「總書記管對台政策」的體制安排,而習近平新提對台「習六點」,以及他在習洪會的閉門談話,若認真拆解之後,三個議題都有答案,可說習近平在今次「習洪會」 中,泄露出他的對台政策「天機」。
習六點透露對台新天機 和平發展反獨推進融合

New divine intentions
LAST WEEK saw an event that has grave bearings on cross-strait relations — the first meeting between Xi Jinping and Hung Hsiu-chu, who respectively head the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the Kuomintang (KMT).
The first Xi-Hung meeting is of significance to Taiwan in two respects. First, when it took place, the CPC-KMT platform opened for the first time after Taiwan had seen a change of government, and Hung attended a CPC-KMT summit for the first time after she had become chairperson of the KMT. It is important to the mainland also in two respects. First, it was the first time Xi had explained to Taiwan his cross-strait policy since a Xi-Ma meeting had taken place (a year ago). Moreover, Xi attended KMT-CPC talks for the first time in his lofty capacity as the core of the CPC in the wake of the 6th plenum of the 18th Central Committee of the CPC and therefore spoke with very different mettle than he had done.
Three of the "divine intentions" about Taiwan which Xi has divulged are more important than any of the others. The first is "one track". In his speech, Xi mentioned several times "peaceful development". All think that is a platitude. However, Director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council Zhang Zhijun has made it clear that the proposition which bears on cross-strait relations in the new situation and on which Xi places emphasis is that "efforts should be made to safeguard and promote the peaceful development of cross-strait relations". This is what Xi has put forward "on the basis of what has resulted from his deep-going summing-up of the way cross-strait relations have developed and his accurate apprehension of pulses of public sentiment on the two sides of the Taiwan Strait". The "track" is of course founded on the "1992 consensus".
The second "divine intention" Xi has divulged is called "the minimum requirement", which is "combating separatism". Xi put it very bluntly. He said, "None of the 1.3 billion people on the mainland would say yes to Taiwan's independence. The Communist Party would get overthrown by the people of China if it failed to deal with this matter." Some may say that is an "old position newly stated". However, when Xi said that, he added a new position. That is a "new position newly stated". This is a point of which few can glean the intension. What he meant to say is that, if Taiwan proclaims independence, the CPC "will make it impossible for any other power in the world to intervene in what may ensue in the Taiwan Strait". Xi could not have put it more clearly. The meaning behind that remark is that the US can no longer shield Taiwan separatists. One may say the mainland is now "even tougher" than it has been where it should be tough.
The third new divine intention about Taiwan Xi has divulged may be called "one line of thought". More than a half of the "Xi six points" are "even softer than soft". There are new things under such headings as "fostering cross-strait economic-socio integration and development" and "improving the well-being of compatriots on the two sides of Strait". He said, "We will come up with and bring out policies and measures with a view to making it more convenient for Taiwan compatriots to go to school, work, start businesses and live on the mainland." That may be on the general side. However, he has also mentioned "creating new ways along the laws of economic development", "supporting cooperation between businesses on the two sides that work together to innovate, bring out new brands or tap markets" and "enlarging the aspects in which grass-roots people can participate and from which they can benefit" and "bringing about a good environment in which young people on the two sides will receive education and grow up and encouraging them to come into contact with one another early so that their attachment to one another may grow". All such expressions contain that on which new policy measures can be based. When Xi made his speech, he said extempore, "We ought to be driven with the principle of doing real things and good turns and go to such length that we may receive a Nobel Peace Prize." That, one may say, is the divinest of intentions.
習洪會熱後 拆解新天機

