2012年3月15日 星期四

政治體制不改革 文革悲劇有可能重演

<轉載自2012315日 明報社評>
天災人禍常見身影 「我們的總理」親民形象鮮明






中共主導體制改革 只會鞏固執政地位





Wen's Call for Political Structural Reform
AT his last press conference to answer questions by Chinese and overseas reporters in the capacity of China's premier, Wen Jiabao pointed out categorically that political structural reform is needed, or "historical tragedies like the Cultural Revolution may happen again". Understanding China as well as he does, Wen can't possibly have made such a remark without some concrete justification. Unhappily, he also pointed out that there are formidable barriers to reform. Whither China?
Today there are people who call Wen China's Best Actor, saying that he is forever play-acting. As premier of a nation of 1.3 billion people, Wen certainly does not relish such a nickname. He has been in public service for 45 years, and served as premier for nine years. It is quite impossible to sum up his achievements and shortcomings in a few sentences. Yesterday, however, Wen said he should assume responsibility for the economic as well as social problems that have arisen during his term of office as premier, for which he said he is sorry.

At the press conference, Wen at least twice made mention of political structural problems and the barriers to reform. Now it is generally believed that China's political structure is such that the central government's orders cannot but be obeyed. But premier though he was, Wen evidently feels restrained by the political structure and hampered by vested interest groups, which highlights the potential threats to the nation's future political as well as economic development.

In the past few years, Wen has on many occasions called for political structural reform. Yesterday, he said unequivocally: "Without successful political reform, it's impossible to carry out economic reform thoroughly. There's even the possibility of losing what we've so far achieved. Also, it will be impossible to fundamentally resolve the new social problems that have arisen over the years, and historical tragedies like the Cultural Revolution may happen again." After more than thirty years of reform and opening up, many believe that China has reached the point of no return. But is it really so? Wen's words seem to provide grounds for a reassessment of China's political and economic prospects.

The tremendous achievements of China's economic reform have won international recognition. However, the nation's economic development has also spawned a host of problems, such as unfair distribution, disparity between the rich and the poor, lack of credibility, and corruption, which have in turn led to unending mass disturbances, and social order is seriously threatened. Political structural reform is an issue that the Chinese Communist Party can no longer afford to ignore. As the ruling party is in complete control of China's political and economic resources, there is no reason why the authorities should refuse to take the lead in political reform, which can help eliminate many political, economic, and social evils, and thus further buttress the CCP government's position.

The political resolution approved by the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference this year makes no mention of political structure reform. So there can be little hope of any progress in this respect. With Wen retiring in a year's time and his political reform ambition unfulfilled, what China has so far achieved economically may be lost, and tragedies like the Cultural Revolution may still happen. What are the 1.3 billion people to do? This is a question the CCP should and must answer - unless they can prove that Wen's views are much mistaken.

明報社評 2012.03.15﹕「政治體制不改革,文革悲劇有可能重演」







