2020年8月5日 星期三

美宣布衛生部長訪台 再衝擊兩岸中美關係

 <轉載自202086 明報 社評>

台美雙方昨日宣布,美國衛生及公共服務部長阿扎(Alex Azar)將於近期訪台,他是首名訪台的美國衛生部長,也是6年來首名訪台的美國內閣成員,更是1979年美台斷交以來訪台級別最高的美國閣員。這是近期繼台灣重開駐關島辦事處之後,台美關係最重大的發展,對於已經陷入低谷的中美關係及兩岸關係,必將帶來新的衝擊。北京出於維繫中美關係大局出發,短期內恐怕未必會有激烈反應,但美國打「台灣牌」逐步升級恐怕不會就此停手,當到達紅線臨界點,海峽兩岸的選擇都很有限。


41年訪台最高層官員 准台重開關島辦事處






北京低調避激化矛盾 美溫水煮蛙逼近紅線

對於阿扎事先張揚的台灣之行,中方昨日低調以對,外交部發言人汪文斌僅稱,中方已在北京和華盛頓向美方提出嚴正交涉。國台辦發言人馬曉光則警告民進黨當局「挾洋自重、甘當棋子,與美方勾連,獲取政治私利」,「十分危險」。 無論是國務委員兼外長王毅,還是駐美大使崔天凱,在昨日的公開言論中都未提此事,只強調中國不希望中美之間的緊張局勢進一步升級,中方「準備以冷靜和理智來面對美方的衝動和焦躁」。有報道稱,本月中,中美雙方貿易談判代表、副總理劉鶴將與美國貿易代表萊特希澤(Robert Lighthizer)開視訊會議,回顧首階段貿易協議的落實情况。此時此刻,北京或不願節外生枝,與美國再開闢口水戰新戰場。因此,阿扎此行與過往美國閣員的台灣之行一樣,不至令北京有激烈反應。


US health chief's Taiwan trip

TAIWAN and the US announced yesterday (August 5) that US Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar will visit Taiwan in the coming days. He will be the first US health chief to visit Taiwan and the first US cabinet official to visit the island in six years. What is more, Azar's will be the highest-level visit made by a US cabinet official to Taiwan since 1979, when Washington severed its official ties with Taipei. The move marks the most significant development in Taiwan-US relations after Taiwan's recent announcement of the reopening of its representative office in Guam. It will certainly bring new impacts on Sino-US relations and cross-strait relations, which are already at an all-time low. Given that the Beijing authorities' bigger picture is the maintenance of Sino-US relations, they may not make an aggressive response in the short term. However, the gradual escalation of Washington's playing of the ''Taiwan card'' is not likely to simply stop here. Once the critical red lines are reached, both sides of the Taiwan Strait will be faced with very few options.

According to Taiwan media reports, Taipei and Washington started discussion about Azar's visit as early as more than a month ago, which is expected to take place between August 10 and 13. During his trip, Azar will exchange views with Taiwanese officials and experts over their experience in fighting the novel coronavirus. He will also meet with Taiwan's president Tsai Ing-wen as well as visit Taiwan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Health and Welfare. This shows that although the trip, in the name of anti-pandemic collaboration, will apparently avoid touching upon sensitive areas like defence and foreign relations, one still cannot overlook its political significance.

In its press release on the visit, the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) describes Azar's visit as a ''historic'' one. It praises Taiwan highly, saying that ''Taiwan's role in the international community is critical, as demonstrated by its remarkable success battling COVID-19 as a free and transparent democratic society''. Taiwan's Presidential Office replies that Azar's visit is ''a testament to the friendship'' between Taiwan and the US.

Since Washington severed its formal relationship with Taiwan in 1979, no US cabinet officials had visited Taiwan until the presidency of George H.W. Bush, who sent his Trade Representative, a cabinet-rank official, to Taiwan in 1992. Up till now, a total of five US cabinet officials have visited Taiwan, including two Secretaries of Transportation, a Secretary of Energy, and an Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. According to the US Presidential line of succession, the Secretary of Health and Human Services ranks 12th, higher than the Secretary of Transportation (14th) and the Secretary of Energy (15th), not to mention the Trade Representative and the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. Therefore, Azar will be the highest-ranking American cabinet official to visit Taiwan in 41 years. His trip will be of tremendous symbolic significance for the development of Taiwan-US relations.

It is true that ever since the 1994 Taiwan Policy Review conducted by the Clinton administration, Washington has long removed restrictions on official visits to Taiwan by cabinet members except the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defence. However, the AIT emphasised in yesterday's press release that President Donald Trump signed into law the Taiwan Travel Act in 2018 and ''this visit is part of America's policy'' of sending high-level US officials to Taiwan. That means this is a new starting point in US-Taiwan relations. Azar will not be the last or the highest official to visit the island. Whether even higher-ranking US officials in areas such as foreign affairs or defence will visit Taiwan in the future is a question that deserves close attention.

美宣布衛生部長訪台 再衝擊兩岸中美關係

台美雙方昨日宣布,美國衛生及公共服務部長阿扎(Alex Azar)將於近期訪台,他是首名訪台的美國衛生部長,也是6年來首名訪台的美國內閣成員,更是1979年美台斷交以來訪台級別最高的美國閣員。這是近期繼台灣重開駐關島辦事處之後,台美關係最重大的發展,對於已經陷入低谷的中美關係及兩岸關係,必將帶來新的衝擊。北京出於維繫中美關係大局出發,短期內恐怕未必會有激烈反應,但美國打「台灣牌」逐步升級恐怕不會就此停手,當到達紅線臨界點,海峽兩岸的選擇都很有限。





