2020年8月23日 星期日


 <轉載自2020823 明報 副刊 欄名:周日話題>













哈佛大學甘廼迪學院教授艾利森(Graham Allison)在其2017年著作《注定一戰?——中美能否避免修昔底德陷阱》中,解釋了中國崛起的風險。書名所提及的修昔底德(Thucydides)是公元前5世紀雅典將軍及政治領袖,他在《伯羅奔尼撒戰爭史》一書中寫道:「使戰爭不可避免的,是雅典的崛起及由此所引起的斯巴達恐懼。」

哈佛研究:16國崛起 12個引發戰爭




哈德遜研究所中國戰略中心主任白邦瑞( Michael Pillsbury)在其2015年著作《2049百年馬拉松──中國稱霸全球的秘密戰略》(The Hundred Year Marathon: China's Secret Strategy to Replace America as the Global Superpower),便強調中國的目的是要經濟上的支配。白邦瑞提到劉明福《中國夢》一書,也提到中共1949年立國,預計中國要100年時間復興,進行一場「百年馬拉松」。









6)美國應建立縱貫同盟(vertical coalition)抵抗中國影響力











台灣對美是安全議題 非道德議題




中國在香港打壓異見對美國來說是道德議題,因為公民社會組織可以游說以影響美國政策。不過,美國在香港沒有戰略利益,因此可以取消香港的特殊貿易地位及制裁官員這些「無後顧之憂」的一着(no regrets moves)。兩個舉動也對美國沒有主要的負面影響。美國在西藏及新疆也沒有戰略利益,同樣因為美國公民社會對美國政壇的影響及游說而成為道德議題。


美對港行動 傳遞中國對台威脅後果




US policy towards the China Dream: The Thucydides Trap and the 100 Year Marathon

Actions taken by the US government in 2020 have raised concerns that there is a new Cold War between China and the USA. The increasingly hostile language used by US government officials has been heightened by the coming US Presidential election in November 2020, leading to President Trump to seek votes by being seen as "tough on China".

However, the recent US government actions such as sanctions against officials in Hong Kong and Xinjiang, ending preferred trade status for Hong Kong, banning Chinese applications TikTok and WeChat, tariffs on imports from China, designating Chinese media offices in the USA as "foreign missions", closing the Chinese Consulate in Houston, are all part of a long-term realignment of relations between the two countries. This change of approach by the USA was not formulated by President Trump, but has been advocated by some in the US government who have favoured a harder line against China for some years on the basis that engagement with China has failed.

US policy has been influenced by the successful economic rise of China, the growing assertiveness that comes with this, and how this affects competition with the USA leading to imbalances in the relationship. US Secretary of State Pompeo laid out the key issues in his speech on 23 July 2020. According to him they are economic espionage by China, theft of intellectual property and trade secrets, repression in Hong Kong and Xinjiang, Chinese propaganda in the USA, and the South China Sea. Pompeo said that the US goal was not containment, but going back to the strategy of President Richard Nixon that should be to "induce change" in China.

This change of US policy and strategy has followed four decades of US engagement of China. The change has been influenced by US perceptions of the ambition of hard liners in China, such as Colonel Liu Mingfu (劉明福), retired Colonel of the People's Liberation Army, professor at National Defence University. In his 2015 book "The China Dream: Great Power Thinking and Strategic Posture in the Post-American Era", Colonel Liu states that "It has been China's dream for a century to become the world's leading nationAs China rises to the status of a great power in the 21st century, it's aim is nothing less than the top – to be the leader of the modern global economy."

Colonel Liu advocates China becoming a "guiding nation" once it has become a champion, whose design for the world would include "crafting the international powers layout, establishing a new code of behaviour for nation-states, new international institutions, a new world order, and a new international system." Colonel Liu wrote that this would not be a Cold War with the USA as China does not seek hegemony.

Colonel Liu also stated that China is not a colonial power, has not invaded other nations, and hence holds the moral high ground. US policy makers would observe that Tibet and Xinjiang were conquered and included in the Manchu empire during the Qing Dynasty. In the 20th century, India, Russia and Vietnam have been engaged in military conflict to establish borders that China views as appropriate. This is no direct threat to the USA, but does disturb the balance of power that the USA seeks in Asia.

Henry Kissinger, former National Security Advisor and Secretary of State to President Richard Nixon, saw the USA in East Asia as one of the multiple states engaged in the balance of power that exists between China, Korea, Japan, and the USA, with Russia and Vietnam on the periphery.

The more economically successful and assertive China undermines the US approach that Kissinger stated in his book World Order had "For over a century…been a fixed American policy to prevent hegemony in Asia." Kissinger described contemporary conditions that involved the "policy in China to keep potentially adversarial forces as far from its borders as possible. The two countries navigate in that space. The preservation of peace depends on the restraint with which they pursue their objectives and on their ability to ensure that competition remains political and diplomatic."

Kissinger's approach set US government policy towards China for the past four decades, and involved the maintenance of order in Asia, a balance of power and partnership in the region, and the use of statesmanship to avoid reliance upon military definition of the balance of power.

The dramatic economic growth of China in the past two decades, as well as the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic that has coincided with a more assertive projection of Chinese economic power, has caused a shift in US policy away from the approach set by Kissinger. The new approach is partly based on the recognition of the rise of China that requires the USA to seek ways to counter China but avoid military conflict.

Graham Allison, professor of the Harvard Kennedy School, explained the risks of the rise of China in his 2017 book "Destined for War: Can America and China escape Thucydides's trap?" The title refers to Thucydides, a military general and political leader in Athens in the 5th century BCE, who stated in his "History of the Peloponnesian War" that "It was the rise of Athens and the fear that this instilled in Sparta that made war inevitable."

Allison led a project at Harvard University that found 16 cases in which the rise of a major nation had disrupted the position of a dominant state, threatening to displace it. 12 of these ended in war, 4 did not. Neither Thucydides or Allison believed that war between an established and a rising nation are inevitable, but both highlighted that states in such circumstances must recognise the risk of conflict and make adjustments to manage their relationship to prevent war.

Allison stated that "The severe structural stress caused when a rising power threatens to upend a ruling one. In such conditions, not just extraordinary, unexpected events, but even ordinary flashpoints of foreign affairs, can trigger large-scale conflict." Many commentators have made the comparison of the US-China competition with that between the UK and Germany that led to World War One in 1914.

However, the balance of power in the 20th century used to be military but now it is also economic. China conducts foreign policy through economics because it is such a major trading nation. China has such superiority in its economic balance of power that other states have no choice but to comply with its wishes, for instance in relation to the South China Sea maritime boundaries or the Belt and Road initiative.

The aim of economic dominance by China has been highlighted by Michael Pillsbury, Centre on Chinese Study, Hudson Institute, in his 2015 book "The Hundred Year Marathon: China's Secret Strategy to Replace America as the Global Superpower." Pillsbury refers to Colonel Liu Mingfu's book, The China Dream, and the rejuvenation of China from the start of Chinese Communist Party government in 1949 that would take 100 years, which is the "100 year marathon".

Pillsbury recognises that the Chinese Dream is for global economic dominance, but notes that some Chinese thinkers have proposed that this would eventually be accompanied by military dominance to ensure that all nations adhere to the new world order. Pillsbury believes that "hawks" are now leading China and reformers have been silenced. The USA has realised too slowly that the hawks have been leading Chinese government policy and now take a more aggressive attitude to the USA.

Pillsbury is influencing US government policy towards China with his view that "Trade and technology were supposed to lead to a convergence of Chinese and Western views of regional and global order. It hasn't." Pillsbury stated that China actions contradict any peaceful or productive intentions, and he recommends US policies and strategies to compete with China:

1. The USA should recognise the problem.

2. US aid to China should be reviewed.

3. The USA should measure its competitiveness with rivals.

4. The USA should develop a competitiveness strategy.

5. A united front of China change advocates should be developed in the USA.

6. The USA should build a vertical coalition of nations to counter Chinese influence.

7. Protection should be given to political dissidents in China.

8. Anti-competitive practices by China should be combatted.

9. Polluters in China should be identified and held to account.

10. Corruption and censorship in China should be exposed.

11. Support should be provided to pro-democracy reformers in China.

12. The USA should monitor and influence the debates between China's hawks and reformers.

Pillsbury is important as he has had a long career serving in multiple US government administrations from Presidents Nixon to Trump, including roles in the Department of Defence and on four US Senate subcommittees. Pillsbury and others with similar views have influenced US government policy to change from engagement to realising China's economic ambitions and criticizing Chinese actions when they overstep boundaries of accepted international norms.

However, the new approach to China still reflects that philosophy of Henry Kissinger who said that "America has no friends or enemies, only interests." US interests involving China are strategic, but many of the issues between the two countries are moral.

The strategic interests are economic and security related. Economic competition includes the dominance of national technology such as Huawei with 5G, trade protectionism (by both countries), economic espionage by China, as well as long standing US grievances regarding the lack of adequate protection of intellectual property in China. In all of these areas the US government sees China as operating on an unfair basis.

Security issues include the balance of power in Asia, the South China Sea and the "Nine Dash Line", as well as cyber-attacks and economic espionage by China. US allies seek protection by both the exercise of US influence as well as the projection of military power. In Asia the key allies are Japan, Korea, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, all of which are either coerced or economically induced by China.

Taiwan is a security, not moral, issue for the USA in Asia. Taiwan is key to the US policy of protecting the First Island Chain (Kuril Islands, Japan archipelago, Ryuku Islands, Taiwan, the Philippines, and Borneo), which protects US defence in depth of the Pacific Ocean and hence the western seaboard of the US mainland.

The China policy of the "Nine Dash Line" extends territorial waters beyond the First Island Chain and in doing so disturbs the balance of power in Asia by threatening US allies, and also the US defence in depth in the Pacific Ocean. Taiwan is the linchpin in both the Nine Dash Line and also the First Island Chain. With more assertive calls by the Chinese government to recover Taiwan by force, the threat to US interests is not moral but strategic.

The moral issues involve different values systems, reflected in the differences regarding the Chinese policies in Hong Kong, Tibet, Xinjiang.

The Chinese crackdown on dissent in Hong Kong is a moral issue for the USA as civil society organisations have lobbying power to influence US politics. But there is no US strategic interest in Hong Kong, hence the no regrets moves to remove the separate trade status for the city and also to impose sanctions on government officials. There is no major negative impact on the USA from either. There is no US strategic interest in Tibet or Xinjiang, which are also moral issues for the USA because of civil society lobbying and influence on US politics.

For the USA, the moral issues can be traded for the strategic issues and hence the inclusion of these in US foreign policy actions. They are pressure points on China that are used because civil society has such an influence on US politics and also because they can be used to affect the outcome of the strategic issues.

US government actions against China should hence be seen as a recalibration of relations based on a belief that engagement with China has failed to induce change but has facilitated the economic rise of China that is a long-term threat to the USA. US government actions relating to Hong Kong are not triggered by a strategic interest in the city, but by the need to show a strong response to the Chinese government as a signal that should similar action be taken against Taiwan there would also be consequences. If the US government failed to act in relation to Hong Kong this could be perceived by the Chinese government as weakness, hence it is important that non-military signals are sent by the US government to indicate the impact that a full range of economic and political actions could have on the economy of China.

The Thucydides Trap in Asia is the rise of China and the fear that this instils in the USA. The rise of China is primarily economic, not military, which lessens the risk of military conflict. This is not a new Cold War between the USA and China, but part of a marathon competition for economic dominance that will last for many years to come.

//Martin Purbrick


