2020年8月24日 星期一

日本欲成為第六眼 對華關係持續逆轉

 <轉載自2020824 明報 社評>



可能允許美部署中導 欲將五眼聯盟變六眼


本月初,美國軍備控制特使比林斯利亞(Marshall Billingslea)曾公開表示,美國正在研發中的陸基中程導彈「正是日本等盟友未來所期望且必要的防衛能力」,並明言是針對中國。他特別提到,對於射程在1000公里的陸基巡航導彈來說,關島距離中國大陸太遠,必須部署在「其他亞洲國家」。由於去年韓國、菲律賓、澳洲3國已明確拒絕美國,這意味着日本可能成為美國中導在亞太部署「唯一的選擇」。



如果說部署中導是美國主動的話,日本欲加入「五眼聯盟」,則是東京主動。主角仍是河野太郎,他上月與英國執政保守黨議員開視頻會議, 會上他表示日本希望加入「五眼聯盟」,並殷切地說,「我們只要把椅子搬到他們桌邊告訴他們,把我們算進去就行了」。他在本月受訪時又重提此事,稱日本可以使之擴大成為「六眼聯盟」。

參拜靖國盛讚李登輝 中日關係逆流或持久

所謂「五眼聯盟」(Five Eyes)是由美國、英國、澳洲、加拿大、新西蘭5個英語國家締結的秘密情報共享聯盟,冷戰時主要針對蘇聯,現在最大的目標則是中國,中方曾批評它「長期違反國際法和國際關係基本準則」。對日本有意加入「五眼聯盟」,北京官方暫未表態,但若此事成真,必令中日關係惡化。




Japan's intention to become the 'Sixth Eye'

SINO-JAPANESE relations have taken an abrupt turn in recent months following the escalation of the rivalry between China and the US. The Japanese government has accused Chinese public service ships of entering waters off the Diaoyu Islands increasingly frequently. It has also adopted an increasingly high profile on the issue of the South China Sea and Hong Kong. What is more, it is reported that the Japanese government intends to join the "Five Eyes" intelligence alliance dominated by the UK and US. It is even understood that Japan will allow the US government to deploy midrange missiles in its land. In the meantime, Japanese cabinet members have visited Yasukuni Shrine for the first time in four years, and Prime Minister Abe Shinzo has heaped praise on former Taiwanese President Lee Teng-hui, who passed away recently. Each of these gestures threatens China's bottom line. In contrast with past deteriorations in Sino-Japanese relations, which were caused by sudden events, the recent downward trend in Sino-Japanese relations has been caused by the international situation and changes in Japan's political arena in the post-Abe era. As this downward trend appears to be long-term and structural, it is likely to have profound and far-reaching consequences for the entire Northeast Asia.

It is reported that when Kong Xuanyou, the Chinese Ambassador to Japan, met with Japanese Defence Minister Kono Taro, he also raised the issue of the US's attempt to deploy midrange missiles in Japan. Early this month, Marshall Billingslea, the US Special Presidential Envoy for Arms Control, openly claimed that the US was developing midrange, ground-launched cruise missiles which are "exactly the kind of defensive capability that countries such as Japan will want and will need for the future", stating clearly that they were targeted at China. Although the proposal faces a backlash in Japanese society, it is reported that the Japanese authorities are discussing whether to incorporate "the ability to attack enemy bases" into their "exclusively defence-oriented" fundamental principles so as to give the green light to the deployment of midrange missiles. Wu Qian, spokesman of the Chinese Ministry of National Defence, warned that China would not sit back and do nothing if the US was determined to deploy midrange missiles in Asia Pacific, saying that such an action would amount to an act of provocation "on China's doorstep". At the same time, he expressed hopes that "Japan and other related nations" would refuse to let the US deploy midrange missiles "so as not to become the victim of the US' geopolitical schemes".

If it can be said that the deployment of midrange missiles was initiated by the US, Japan's wish to join the "Five Eyes" is an action that Tokyo takes of its own volition. The so-called "Five Eyes" is a secret intelligence-sharing alliance consisting of five English-speaking countries, namely the US, the UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. In the era of the Cold War, the "Five Eyes" mainly went after the Soviet Union, but now it is China. China has criticised the "Five Eyes" for "chronically violating international law and the basic principles for international relations". While the Beijing authorities have yet to make clear their stance on Japan's intention of joining the "Five Eyes", the move will definitely worsen Sino-Japanese relations if it becomes reality.

The 15th of this month marks the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II. For the first time in four years, Abe Shinzo's four cabinet members have visited Yasukuni Shrine. That visit has been made by the biggest number of cabinet members since Abe came to power more than seven years ago. Late last month former Taiwanese President Lee Teng-hui passed away. In his comments made online, Abe included his observations on the "establishment of the universal values of liberty, democracy and human rights". These words were absent in the version previously drafted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

As President Xi Jinping's visit to Japan has been postponed indefinitely owing to the pandemic, the positive trend of Sino-Japanese relations has been reversed. Though there are no intense confrontations, the two nations are drifting further and further apart.

日本欲成為第六眼 對華關係持續逆轉


有報道稱,中國駐日大使孔鉉佑在會面時也向河野提及美國有意在日部署中程導彈問題。本月初,美國軍備控制特使比林斯利亞(Marshall Billingslea)曾公開表示,美國正在研發中的陸基中程導彈「正是日本等盟友未來所期望且必要的防衛能力」,並明言是針對中國。雖然民間反對聲浪高,但日本政府內部據報正探討將「對敵基地攻擊能力」納入「專守防衛」基本方針,從而為部署中導「開綠燈」。中國國防部發言人吳謙6月曾經警告,若美方執意在亞太地區部署中導,就是在中國「家門口」挑釁,中方絕不會坐視不管。同時,又點名希望「日本等有關國家」勿允許美方部署中導,「以免淪為美地緣政治圖謀的犧牲品」。

如果說部署中導是美國主動的話,日本欲加入「五眼聯盟」,則是東京主動。所謂「五眼聯盟」(Five Eyes)是由美國、英國、澳洲、加拿大、新西蘭5個英語國家締結的秘密情報共享聯盟,冷戰時主要針對蘇聯,現在最大的目標則是中國,中方曾批評它「長期違反國際法和國際關係基本準則」。對日本有意加入「五眼聯盟」,北京官方暫未表態,但若此事成真,必令中日關係惡化。



