2017年8月11日 星期五

朝鮮劍指關島有遠慮 「雙暫停」可成美國出路

<轉載自2017811 明報 社評>

「瘋子不瘋」兩國難開戰 截擊朝導彈美陷兩難
中國倡雙暫停夠務實 美國需放下身段談判
美國面對朝鮮,既不能貿然動武,制裁又不管用,唯一方法就是談判。鑑於朝鮮已經擁有核武,快將發展出洲際導彈,今年初中方提出「雙暫停」方案,即朝鮮暫停所有核武和洲際導彈開發,美韓暫停大規模聯合軍演,希望紓緩危機,為恢復和談創造條件,獲得俄國支持。美國前防長佩里亦認為,美國現時難望透過談判逼朝鮮放棄核武,倒不如現實一點先要求朝鮮煞停導彈測試。美國國際戰略研究所專家菲茨帕特里克(Mark Fitzpatrick)也同意「雙暫停」是眾多壞選項中較好的一個,就算不完全叫停美韓軍演,也可顯著縮減規模,刪去模擬「斬首行動」和戰略轟炸機飛行一類演練,並可考慮以糧食援助為甜頭。

"Double-freeze" — a possible way out for the US
THE United States and North Korea are at daggers drawn, with US President Donald Trump warning the North Korea government not to issue more threats, otherwise it will be met with "fire and fury like the world has never seen". Meanwhile the North Korea has claimed that it is considering the launch of four medium and long-range ballistic missiles to waters off Guam, the US's military outpost.
Last month North Korea successfully test-launched Hwasong-14, a medium and long-range missile which is estimated to be able to reach Alaska. According to intelligence obtained by US national security agencies, North Korea is now capable of manufacturing miniaturised nuclear warheads, which can be fitted to an intercontinental missile. Even if North Korea's nuclear missiles have questionable accuracy, US troops stationed in Japan and South Korea as well as places like Guam are likely to be targets of a nuclear attack if an all-out war breaks out between the United States and North Korea, and the White House could not possibly pay no attention to Japan's and South Korea's concern about warfare. The US military cannot guarantee that its "first strike in a nuclear war" can entirely destroy North Korea's nuclear weapons. Nor can it ensure that a military action of a limited scale will not develop into an all-out nuclear war.
But North Korea's claim that it is considering firing four Hwasong-12 medium to long-range missiles to waters 30 to 40 kilometres off Guam might not be an idle threat. Guam is a strategic stronghold of US troops stationed in West Pacific, and with their strategic bombers is considered a major nuclear threat by North Korea. However, North Korea said that it would only carry out a "peripheral" attack on Guam and "suppress" US military facilities. It did not say it was going to attack Guam and the US troops on the island. This shows that North Korea does not really want to start a war with the US. To Kim Jong-un, firing missiles to waters off Guam not only will pressurise the US to return to the negotiating table but also serve consequential military testing purposes.
North Korea has set out its launch plan with great clarity, providing such details as the actual trajectories of the missiles, how they will travel high up above Japan and the distance and time. It is no different from a diplomatic notification of a test launch of missiles. It also presents the US and Japan with a dilemma: Should they intercept the missiles? When North Korea test-launched its Hwasong-14 medium to long-range missile last time, it fired the missile at the sharpest angle to avoid directly challenging the US. The missile fell into Japan's exclusive economic zone.
The United States cannot carry out a strike on North Korea rashly, and the sanctions have not been working. The only option is negotiation. As North Korea is already equipped with nuclear weapons and is set to develop its intercontinental ballistic missiles, China proposed early this year a "double-freeze" proposal, under which North Korea would freeze the development of all nuclear weapons and intercontinental ballistic missiles, while the US and South Korea would stop holding massive joint war games in order to de-escalate the crisis and make the resumption of talks possible. The proposal was supported by Russia. William Perry, former US Secretary of Defense, also believes that it is very difficult for the US to force North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons through negotiation at this moment. A more practical approach would be to demand North Korea stop test-launching missiles. Mark Fitzpatrick, an expert from the International Institute for Strategic Studies, also agrees that "double freeze" is the better option out of the many bad ones. Even if the US and South Korea do not stop staging joint war games, they can scale them back significantly and skip training sessions such as simulated decapitation strikes and strategic bomber flights. The US can also try cajoling North Korea into cooperation with food aid.
朝鮮劍指關島有遠慮 「雙暫停」可成美國出路

美國面對朝鮮,既不能貿然動武,制裁又不管用,唯一方法就是談判。鑑於朝鮮已經擁有核武,快將發展出洲際導彈,今年初中方提出「雙暫停」方案,即朝鮮暫停所有核武和洲際導彈開發,美韓暫停大規模聯合軍演,希望紓緩危機,為恢復和談創造條件,獲得俄國支持。美國前防長佩里亦認為,美國現時難望透過談判逼朝鮮放棄核武,倒不如現實一點先要求朝鮮煞停導彈測試。美國國際戰略研究所專家菲茨帕特里克(Mark Fitzpatrick)也同意「雙暫停」是眾多壞選項中較好的一個,就算不完全叫停美韓軍演,也可顯著縮減規模,刪去模擬「斬首行動」和戰略轟炸機飛行一類演練,並可考慮以糧食援助為甜頭。

