2024年1月14日 星期日

中美共管難遏台獨 兩岸現狀危若累卵

<轉載自2024115 明報 社評>


選前中美頻互動發聲 美罕見警告預防風險

在台灣選舉投票日前4天,中共中央對外聯絡部長劉建超啟程訪美,他在外交協會(Council on Foreign Relations)的演講中警告,台灣問題是北京「核心利益中的核心」,也是「不可跨越的紅線」。同日駐美大使謝鋒在中美建交45周年研討會上表示,「對於那些數典忘祖、不承認自己是中國人的台獨分子,北京沒有妥協餘地」。在台灣投票日當天,劉建超會晤布林肯,亦討論到台灣問題。


早在去年11月,3名重磅美國台灣問題專家學者葛來儀(Bonnie Glaser)、白潔曦(Jessica Chen Weiss)與柯慶生(Thomas Christensen),曾在《外交事務》雜誌(Foreign Affairs)聯名撰文,呼籲賴清德當選後,重新審視2014年提出的凍結民進黨「台獨黨綱」提案,讓他「維持現狀」的承諾有更多可信度。但賴對此一直置若罔聞,在選戰中他還聲稱,「中華民國憲法是災難」,其競選總部發言人在接受德國傳媒專訪時表示,「和平統一」不是台灣人民可以接受的,對「維持現狀」的定義,就是將「中華民國」與「台灣」畫上等號,是典型的台獨論述,亦等於封殺了「和統」的選項。種種言行顯示,賴清德的台獨取態毋庸置疑。因此,全球政治風險諮詢公司歐亞集團(Eurasia Group)都將其列為美國「危險的朋友」。


賴清德戰略保證引關注 兩岸啟戰端台最大輸家





Precarious Situation across The Taiwan Strait

MMEDIATELY after the conclusion of the Taiwan elections, the Taiwan Affairs Office in Beijing made a statement, proclaiming that the election results showed that the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) did not represent the mainstream public opinion on the island, and that the election "cannot stop the general trend of China's eventual and inevitable reunification". As for the US, Secretary of State Antony Blinken issued a statement congratulating Lai Ching-te, while President Joe Biden's only response was that "We do not support (Taiwan) independence". All this reflects the ambivalent attitude of the US, which is eager to express support for Taiwan but also hopes to appease Beijing.

The issue of Taiwan is the core sensitive issue in Sino-US relations. The two countries' close interactions and frequent comments before the Taiwan election have triggered speculation that China and the US will return to the model of co-management of the Taiwan Strait crisis.

Four days before the Taiwan election polling day, Liu Jianchao, the CCP International Liaison Department Minister, embarked on his visit to the US. Speaking at the Council on Foreign Relations, Liu issued his warning, saying that the issue of Taiwan was "at the core of Beijing's core interests" and was a "red line that cannot be crossed". On Taiwan's polling day, Liu Jianchao met with Antony Blinken, and they also discussed the Taiwan issue.

Last Wednesday, in an extraordinary move, an unnamed senior official of the White House National Security Council held a media telephone briefing on Taiwan's election, reiterating that the US adhered to its "one-China policy", did not support "Taiwan independence", opposed any party's unilateral change of the status quo and supported cross-Strait dialogue. He said that "we do not take a position on the ultimate resolution of cross-Strait differences, provided they are resolved peacefully" and that "we expect cross-Strait differences to be resolved by peaceful means, free from coercion, in a manner that is acceptable to the people on both sides of the Strait".

This statement was slightly different from the US State Department's previous statement that it "continues to encourage the resolution of cross-Strait differences in a manner that is in line with the will and best interests of the Taiwanese people". It was instead closer to the statements made during the presidencies of Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.

In the next couple of months, the DPP government will issue a report on the mainland's so-called "interference" in Taiwan's elections. The US is about to send an unofficial high-level delegation to meet with Lai, and it is also noteworthy what messages the two sides will convey. More important will be the inauguration ceremony on May 20, at which Lai will elaborate on his cross-Strait policies. Furthermore, the extent to which mainland China will retain the Taiwan-benefiting measures of the Cross-Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA), as well as the impact of the US House of Representatives delegation's visit to Taiwan on Sino-US relations, will mark critical moments that test the trilateral relations between China, the US and Taiwan.

After his election, Lai emphasised that maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait would be his "important mission", and that he would "maintain the status quo without being servile or bumptious". According to economic estimates from Bloomberg, if a war breaks out in Taiwan Strait, it will inflict economic losses of approximately US$10 trillion to the world, equivalent to 10% of the world's total GDP. Taiwan's economy will suffer severe damage at 40%, and the mainland's economy will tumble by 16.7%. If the mainland imposes a one-year blockade of the Taiwan Strait, the global economy will fall by 5%, with a loss of 12.2% in Taiwan, 8.9% on the mainland, and 3.3% in the United States. Some observers have commented that there is no winner in this election in Taiwan. Similarly, there will be no winner if a war breaks out in the Taiwan Strait.

中美共管難遏台獨 兩岸現狀危若累卵



在台灣選舉投票日前4天,中共中央對外聯絡部長劉建超啟程訪美,他在外交協會(Council on Foreign Relations)的演講中警告,台灣問題是北京「核心利益中的核心」,也是「不可跨越的紅線」。在台灣投票日當天,劉建超會晤布林肯,亦討論到台灣問題。





