2020年11月22日 星期日

中國從此沒有貧困縣 今後富強目標更艱難

 <轉載自20201123 明報 社評>




舉全國之力扶貧達標容易 貧困戶擔心一走了之堪憂






授人以漁道理無異議 加大教育投入須落實



No more poor counties in China

By the standards of the United Nations, which defines poverty as income lower than US$1.9 per day, there were still 832 poor counties scattered in 22 provinces of China ten years ago. The central government employed various methods to support these poor counties. In 2020, China raised its poverty line to an annual income of 4,000 RMB per capita, equivalent to US$2.2 per day, slightly higher than the United Nations' standard. By May of this year, there were still 52 counties in seven provinces that were below the poverty line. These places have one thing in common: they are located away from the city, at high altitudes or on the edge of the desert, lacking the natural conditions for farming or animals to graze. They are also sparsely populated, with poor households scattered in different corners. The last stretch in the race to lift the whole of China out of poverty remains very difficult.

However, the central government has given a firm order that by the end of this year, all the remaining poor counties must be lifted out of poverty one by one, and none of them must be left behind. This will be accomplished by building houses in counties with the central government's money. Scattered residents in the hills or remote areas will be moved into town. However, most of them have misgivings about leaving the land on which their ancestors have depended for their livelihood for hundreds of years, worrying that they will be left with nothing. It is all about ensuring that they have adequate employment opportunities after they have moved into town, so that their concerns can be addressed.

In these formerly poor counties, the geographic location and natural resources do not change as a result of government policy. True, the construction of highways enables their products to be brought to the market at lower costs, and the expansion of sales channels through advanced communication technologies and platforms can alleviate the inequities brought about by adverse natural conditions. However, in terms of basic living conditions. the deeper factor is that the residents of these poor counties are at a different starting point compared with citizens who are able to become wealthy.

The central government should invest more and more resources for schools in these poor counties to add equipment. It should subsidise high-level teachers so that they are willing to teach in remote areas and provide scholarships for students with excellent results to study in big cities. The long-term solution is to make the children from poor households keep thinking of ways to lift their villages out of poverty.

Everyone knows the simple truth that it is better to teach a man how to fish rather than give him a fish. The key is how to implement it. It is impossible for the central government to send staff to help the poor every year, so it is better to start from the roots. In addition, after the announcement of the completion of the national mission to alleviate poverty, the central government is also faced with the rising demand for better quality of life. The originally poor households will not be satisfied with being out of poverty. How to solve the structural problem of unbalanced regional development should be the next important goal for the country.

中國從此沒有貧困縣 今後富強目標更艱難






