2020年9月22日 星期二

左右逢源歲月不再 匯控前景挑戰重重

 <轉載自2020922 明報 社評>


匯控跌穿「海嘯價」 散戶「無息」欲哭無淚

匯控資產規模位列全球十大,香港和內地業務是匯控收入和利潤最大來源,單是香港便貢獻約三分之一的收入和一半的稅前盈利,至於內地業務亦進帳不少。曾幾何時,匯控在香港股壇舉足輕重,恒指是升是跌,還看匯控股價走勢。基於歷史原因,不少港人對於這間以倫敦為總部的英資大行,仍有一些情意結,覺得匯控與香港緊扣相連、休戚與共,2008 年金融海嘯重挫環球金融業,匯控需要供股集資救亡,香港許多散戶也有積極參與,然而匯控內部積弱之局,海嘯後從未顯著改善。今年初疫情爆發,環球經濟急轉直下,中美關係嚴重惡化,有關匯控的壞消息,更是傳個不停。




匯控陷困如履薄冰 一子錯滿盤皆落索




HSBC can't have it both ways any longer

BESET WITH internal and external problems, HSBC Holdings has seen its share price plunge below the ''financial tsunami level'' after an endless stream of bad news. Once a favourite among small investors in stocks, the bank has now become a nightmare for its shareholders. As a corporation based in Hong Kong but registered in the UK, HSBC has found itself in the vortex of contest amid the ever-escalating rivalry between China and the US. It is alleged to have aided the US in the arrest of Huawei's deputy chairwoman Meng Wanzhou. The Chinese Ministry of Commerce on Saturday announced the Provisions on the Unreliable Entity List. Whether HSBC will be on the list or not will affect its development outlook in Hong Kong and on the mainland. Because of the changes in the international situation, players who were all things to all people in the past may no longer have it both ways. To a certain extent, the external difficulties faced by HSBC also reflect the present dilemma of Hong Kong. A single careless move may turn the entire game into a fiasco. It is hard for HSBC to regain trust from the mainland. Even if it is not among the first batch of names on the Unreliable Entity List, the bank's path of development in the long term will inevitably be full of brambles.

With its assets among the world's top ten, HSBC has its business in Hong Kong and on the mainland as its greatest source of revenues and profit. Hong Kong alone contributes around one third of its revenues and half of its profit before tax. A significant portion of the bank's profit also comes from its business on the mainland. Its problem has been a long time in the making. The bank has long been weakened ever since the financial tsunami. Because of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global economy, its business environment has further worsened and the bank has been under huge internal pressure to lay off staff massively. The bank's performance has declined significantly amid the pandemic. It has suffered a nearly 70% drop in its after-tax profit in the first half of this year.

HSBC's share price slumped yesterday (September 21) below the psychological mark of HK$30 to reach the level in the days of the financial tsunami. There were two immediate causes of this crash. First, there are reports that HSBC may be put on the Unreliable Entity List by the Ministry of Commerce. The second one involves fresh revelations that the bank has not taken serious actions against money laundering. According to some leaked documents from the US Department of Treasury, HSBC has allowed fraudsters to move nearly US$100 million around the world rather than closing the related bank accounts at the earliest despite the bank's clear knowledge that the US's regulatory organisations are investigating a Ponzi scheme. Still, many investors are most concerned about whether HSBC will become an ''unreliable entity''.

According to the Provisions on the Unreliable Entity List announced by the Ministry of Commerce, any company added to the list will be prohibited or restricted from investing in China. At present, Beijing has not yet stated clearly which companies will be put on the list. When the list will be announced is also unknown. But a mainland journalist, citing an anonymous source, has reported that in the first round, it is ''highly possible'' that HSBC is on the list and that is because of the case of Huawei — the only key proof that Washington has to support its case against Meng Wanzhou is provided by HSBC.

HSBC's biggest dilemma is that it wants to earn Hong Kong's as well as the mainland's money but it cannot free itself from its political burdens. The bank treads a tightrope regarding some sensitive issues concerned and has to know where to draw a suitable line. Meng's case will affect its relationship with the mainland. Even if HSBC is spared from inclusion on the Unreliable Entity List this time, the way mainland authorities perceive it may no longer be the same.

左右逢源歲月不再 匯控前景挑戰重重






